1. Crime Fighters

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Answer: pineapple and cheese

"I heard you the first time, Jace." Alec mumbled into his phone as he knocked over the lamp while trying to turn it on.

"Then why are you still in bed?" Jace asked gruffly.

Alec rolled his eyes and mentally cursed his partner for knowing him so well.

"I'm getting up. But you do realize it's 3am right?"

"Murder waits for no man." Jace declared and Alec heard a groan.

"I take it the red head stayed over." Alec snorted. Jace was always bringing home women but this one was different. It terrified Alec. Sure, he had gotten over his crush but he still want ready to lose Jace.

"Her name is Clary." Jace said and Alec heard rustling. "I'll be at your place in 10."

"I'll be ready." Alec hung up and plopped back against his pillow.

"I take it you want me to go." Magnus winked sleepily.

"I'm sorry. You can stay. Just lock up when you leave." Alec told him.

"How about a kiss goodbye?" Magnus smiled but it faltered when Alec looked at him with eyes full of disgust.

"I'm not interested. I'm only helping you with your book because I've been ordered to and then you're gone."

"Then why did you let me stay over?"

"Because I drank and fell asleep."

"What about the kiss?" Magnus batted his eyelashes and watched the poor detective blush.

"What?" Alec searched through his memory. "We didn't kiss!"

"No, but you thought we could have." Magnus leapt up from the bed and left the room to get dressed.

"That son of a bitch." Alec yanked on a pair of black pants and buttoned up his black shirt.  He picked up his phone and hit 3.

"Lightwood it's 3 in the morning." Hodge's raspy voice made Alec feel a little guilty, but only a little.

"Chief, I want Magnus gone. Or let him follow some other detective." Alec demanded.

"You know I can't. This is from the mayor. Get to work lightwood." And with that Hodge hung up.

"Awe, even the chief likes me now." Magnus leaned against the doorway wasting black pants  covered in gold glitter and a matching gold shirt. His makeup was subtle and his eyes bright with excitement. Why was he so damn attractive?

"Ready to go, pretty boy?" Magnus asked with a wink and Alec flashed back to a week earlier when Magnus had picked to follow him for his character.

"We are grateful for the help on our case, Mr. Bane." Hodge shook his hand and turned to Alec to roll his eyes.

"Right, thanks." Alec chimed in. "Now leave."

Magnus didn't look offended at all. Be simple laughed and looked at him with a smile. "Hodge, I've decided that I'm going to follow the pretty boy."

Alec frowned as Jace stepped forward. Every one looked at Jace.  Of course Magnus was picking him; it had been this way since elementary school.

"Not you, blonde cliche. You, with the blue eyes." Magnus pointed to Alec and his heart pounded so hard he thought it would fly out of his chest.

"Alec?" Jace asked and looked between them.

Alec shrugged and raised his eyebrows showing he was just as confused.

"Yes, Alexander." Magnus said his name as if it had never been spoken aloud before. Alec had never liked being called by it until this very moment.

"Alexander? Clearly you're not a morning person." Magnus chuckled and held out a mug.

"Thanks." Alec took a big gulp and very attractively spit it all back in the mug. "What the hell is that?

"Oh right, you don't actually own any food or drinks so I dumped together some ketchup and milk." Magnus laughed. "But it's the thought that counts, right?"

"The thought that you wanted to kill me." Alec popped a piece of gum in his mouth and tried to forget the terrible flavor.

His phone buzzed and he knew Jace was outside. "Let's go. We can get some coffee o the way."

Question: Favorite Christmas song?

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