19. Icy End

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Answer: All My Friends Are Dead. It's a picture book and hilarious!

"Did someone order ice?" Magnus sang loudly as he spun into the room with bag of ice.

"Did someone forget I have a head ache from falling on my head?" Alec asked using a monotone version of the song Magnus had made over.

"Right. Sorry." Magnus winced on Alec's behalf and sat on the bed next to Alec.

"So, why didn't you call me back?" Alec asked.

"We're back to that already? Really?" Magnus said to help give him time to think. What was he going to say?

"That's why I'm here." Alec touched Magnus's hand and they both ignored the spark between them. "You can tell me. Please I need to know and then I'll leave you alone."

"That's why." Magnus said and looked at the melting ice wrapped in a hotel washcloth in his hand. He gently placed it on Alec's forehead and looked away.

"Because I'm clumsy?" Alec asked, blushing. He knew he was clumsy but that was a terrible reason to not talk to someone, right? Did Magnus not want to date someone who would constantly have bruises?

"What, no." Magnus looked at Alec with a face full of surprise. "I didn't call you back because you freaked out when Jace saw me there. I get being embarrassed of me, it's not like I'm normal or reserved, but you treated me like I was a piece of gum you found on the bottom of your shoe."

Magnus held his hand up to stop Alec from interrupting him. "Let me finish. You did that right after defending me in front of my father. You said, well, you know what you said and then you did the exact opposite."

"Alexander, I know I'm not-" Magnus was cut off when Alec touched his cheek.

"Magnus you don't need to insult yourself to belittle what I did to you. I was an idiot, a scared idiot. As for that thing I said to your father, I'm sorry, but I just didn't think "I really like like your son Mr. Abusive father. So I said love. Then after he left I freaked out because I saw the look on your face. You were upset so I thought if I told you it wasn't true you would feel better." Alec sucked in a deep breath.

Magnus sat there, stunned. How could such a beautiful genius be so stupid? "After all of that do you honestly think I was upset because you said you loved me?"

"Well yeah." Alec admitted.

"You stupid Nephlim." Magnus muttered.

"Nephlim?" Alec cocked an eyebrow at him.

"It means fallen angel or half angel." Magnus explained.

"Yes, but why did you call me one?"

"Because you look like an angel but you're stupid like a human. Alexander, I was upset because my father was being a dick. I was upset because the man who is the only family I have left had managed to find my sanctuary. He had destroyed the one place that I had ever felt I belonged."

"I'm so sorry." Alec touched Magnus's neck and pulled him closer. "Do you think we could start over?"

"No." Magnus looked at his phone and stood up. "We need to leave."

"Oh, okay." Alec held back the pain and followed Magnus to the door. Then to his surprise Magnus chuckled.

"I didn't actually pay for the room and housekeeping is on their way. How about we go to your car to finish this?"

"Okay." Alec led the way then he turned. "Magnus will you go out with me, to dinner, on a date, with me, no one else?"

"Is Alexander Gideon Lightwood asking me on a date?" Magnus smirked.

"Trying to. Did I not ask right?" Alec fidgeted.

Magnus leaned in. "Perfectly. Maybe a bit long winded but it was perfect none the less."

Magnus kissed Alec softly. Alec grabbed onto Magnus's shirt and pulled him closer.

Question: who's ready for a college AU?

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