2. Yes...Normal...

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Magnus pulled the door open and smiled deeply. Alec and their sons followed suit.

"Welcome." Magnus said warmly and was about to bow when Alec stepped in front of him. Nothing like bowing to seem normal.

"Please, come in." Alec stepped back forcing Magnus to move so the teenager and the service worker could come inside.

"You must be Alec and Magnus." The older woman said while looking at a stack of papers and shuffling inside. Then she looked at the young man who was still outside. "Well don't just stand there, Tim."

"Tim?" Rafael snickered quietly. "What a mundane."

Magnus wiggled his fingers and Rafael hissed as a small electric shock hit him.

"I'm Max!" Max, unaware of the nervousness of the situation launched himself at the boy who was eyeing them cautiously.

"Hmpf." The boy grunted as he fell backwards with Max on top of him.

Max giggled and sat on his chest facing his dads. "Can we keep him?"

"I'm so sorry." Alec winced for the bot who was rubbing the back of his head. Alec picked Max up quickly and deposited him in Magnus's waiting arms.

Rafael held out his hand for the boy and helped him up. "Sorry, the little dude is super annoying."

"Hey!" Max growled and Magnus saw his horns and blue skin starting to poke through the glamor.

"Rafael, why don't you take your brother into the game room?" Magnus asked.

Rafael was going to argue, but he heard the warning in Magnus's voice and saw Max. "Sure. Come on Max. We can play foosball."

"Okay." Max smiled and jumped to the floor before running away down the hall. "Race ya."

"You got a head start." Rafael took off.

"Sorry about them." Magnus picked up a tray of tea and coffee. "They're just excited."

Alec handed the woman a cup of coffee and the boy tea. "Tim, right?"

"Sure. Whatever." The boy, who had shown a glimpse of joy with Max was back to brooding.

"Is there another name you prefer?" Alec pressed.

"Does it matter?" The boy met Alec's gaze.

"That's a bit long." Alec chuckled. "But whatever you want."

The boy looked confused then rolled his eyes at the terrible joke. "Oh great. You're one of those dads. I thought being gay would mean more talk about, well gay things, not dad jokes."

"Tim." The woman looked horrified.

"He's perfectly fine." Magnus set the tray down. "Personally I thought the same. But, Alexander just loves his little jokes." Magnus rubbed Alec's back and winked at him.

"And sadly I'm the only one." Alec laughed. "Now, what about we finish up with the paperwork so Mrs. Cuttle can leave?"

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