4. Meet me Under the Mistletoe

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This super old pink ornament which is the very first one I remember actually picking out. It's scratched, old, dented and still here so it's great. 

"So, Alexander, Alec is short for Alexander right?" He said without really waiting for me to respond. "Yes, Alexander, that's perfect. That's your name. It's strong and impressive like you. I mean, Alexander the Great. Yeah. So, what do you do besides throw coffee and knock woman over."

"Nothing," I muttered. Why the hell was he talking to me? I should go check on that woman, shouldn't I?

"I doubt that." He smiled and pushed me inside a place that looked like a 9-year-old Izzy's dream house. Where there wasn't pink paint or lace there were little twinkling lights and trinkets.

"Welcome to Magical Cakes." A woman who looked just like a winter fairy godmother shouted with glee. I half expected her to pull a wand out of thin air and put me into a dress.

"Hello, lovely." Magnus hurried to the counter like a child running into a toy store. "Oh, Alexander, look at these wonderful things."

"Ah, k." I mumbled and walked to the glass container filled with cookies and cupcakes. 

"You're acting like I'm dragging you to a slaughterhouse." Magnus teased and pulled me closer. "Look, that one has a baby coffee cup. We need that one."

"Of course." The woman flourished her hand and grabbed a tiny plate. "What else?"

"Alec?" Magnus looked at me with a twinkle in his eye. How did it feel like I had known this man for my entire life? It's been less than an hour. I'm losing my mind.

"What's that dark one?" I asked when I finally found my voice. 

"Ah, it's chocolate cake, with a creamy chocolate filling, a chocolate ganache and finally dark chocolate buttercream." She smiled.

"How did I know you'd pick the only one that isn't adorable?" Magnus laughed. "We'll take that one also."

"Perfect. And can I just say that you two make an adorable couple?" She grabbed the other cupcake.

"Don't we?" Magnus squeezed my arm. "Of course he probably doesn't know that yet. We just met. Still testing out the waters."

I died, I must have because I couldn't feel a single thing. I couldn't breathe and I saw my spirit leave my body. What the hell was going on? Had I slipped into a coma? That would make sense. Yeah, I probably tripped, smacked my head, and I was lying somewhere in a coma slowly dying. 

"Here are your cupcakes." She handed Magnus the plates which in turn were handed to me.

"Thank you." He paid and took the plates from me. "We don't want these to fall on the floor now do we?"

"Who are you?" I yelped out of deadly confusion.

"Magnus Bane, Extraordinaire!" He made a banner with the wiggling of his hands. "I love sugar, clothes, glitter, and magic!"

"Oh." I tried to keep my eyes from bugging out.

"Also," Magnus added in a more normal tone, "I'm a college student working on a degree in theatre arts and law."

"Cool." Cool?! That's all you can say. You bloody idiot! 

"Your turn." Magnus took a bite of the chocolate cupcake. "Ohmygawd." He moaned.

"Coma." I blurted and did what I did best, ran away.

"Coma!?" Izzy laughed out loud as she rolled on my bed. "You said coma and bolted. You are a freaking psycho! I mean I bet he thought it was adorable."

Question: Favorite part of winter?

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