1. Awkward but Maybe?

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"I did something stupid," Magnus mumbled as he plopped down on his couch. 

"I texted him," he continued. He shook his head and covered his eyes with his arm. "How could I be so stupid!" 

"No, it's not stupid. It's worse?" He peeked over at his couch mate and flung his hands in the air. "Well? Are you going to say something?"

"I texted Alec!" Magnus jumped up, crossed his legs, and glared. "I made it over 6 months without talking to him and now we're going to get lunch tomorrow."

Magnus looked to his right. "Come on! What do you think? I need advice!"

"Yes, I'm still in love with him." Magnus pinched the spot between his eyebrows. "He still doesn't know. He thinks we're just friends."

"Are you going to say something or what?" Magnus finally snapped and yelled. 

"Meow?" Chairman Meow looked up at Magnus with a confused look then jumped off the couch. 

"Sure, go ahead and leave me alone with my terrible mistakes," Magnus called after his cat.

Magnus looked at his phone and saw a message from Alec. "Fine. This is going to be just fine. We're friends. That's all I need." 

The next day he got up hours before he needed to leave so that he could prepare. Not in a date way, of course not. He kept telling himself. It was just what you did when seeing someone after some time. He got to the restaurant that they were supposed to meet at and got his phone out. 

I'm here. He texted Alec and added a smily face. He played on his phone checking the time every few seconds. His heart sank with each minute that passed. Was he not coming? Was this some joke that Alec was playing on him? Alec probably hated him and wanted to make him sit there like an ass all by himself.

I'm so sorry! I slept through all of my alarms! Are you okay waiting about 15 minutes more?  I'll buy you a dessert to take home. Alec's text caused Magnus to almost leap with joy. He would wait forever if Alec would be there eventually. He was such a loser. "We're just friends," Magnus said aloud, hoping that it would sink in. It didn't. 

"I'm so sorry." Alec frowned as he walked to Magnus. Magnus stood up and smiled. 

"It's fine, really." Magnus lightly punched Alec's arm. "I love hanging out by myself."

Alec smiled that damn smile. It was going to kill Magnus one day. "I really am sorry. I'm just so glad that you didn't leave. When I woke up I thought you would have left. Thank you for not leaving."

"Of course." Magnus smiled then pulled back into himself and opened the door. "Shall we?"

"Thanks." Alec walked inside and spoke to the woman at the entrance. "Two."

"Right this way." She smiled at him and Magnus envisioned himself cursing her to live as a toad for the rest of her life. 

"Thanks." Alec and Magnus said together. 

"So, how have you been?" Alec asked without giving the menus the slightest glance. 

They fell into natural banter and Magnus felt more like himself then he had in months. How had he managed to wait this long to text him? Their food came and they ate between stories and jokes. It was just like old times. Soon, it was time to leave. The waiter brought a check and the dessert that Magnus had picked to go. Magnus was going to tell him to split the check but instead, he teased Alec, "I mean you could just pay for the whole meal."

"I could." Alec took the check. "I'm sure it's my turn anyway."

"True." Magnus laughed. "I think I say it's your turn every time."

"You do." Alec laughed and Magnus nearly drooled at the crinkle of his eyes. Why was he so perfect?

"So, should we stay here and chat or just part ways?" Alec said and frowned at the end.

"There's a bookstore nearby." Magnus offered.

"Perfect. Let's go." Alec got his card back and walked outside. Magnus followed close behind. The walk was short and Magnus tried to remember how to walk next to a "just friend". 

"Which book would I pick based only on the cover?" Magnus asked once they got inside because he couldn't handle the silence that normally would have been comfortable. 

"Out of these?" Alec looked and rubbed his chin. "This one." He pointed to a black one with gold glitter all over it. 

"Too easy!" Magnus declared and started to walk to the next table.

"Wait." Alec stopped him with a single word. "What about me?"

Magnus' heart raced. Down boy, he doesn't love you. It's a normal thing. We're friends. "This." Magnus pointed to a cover that was black with a title in a bloody font.

"You're right it was too easy." Alec chuckled. 

After they had gone through all of the tables Magnus led the way down an aisle. They were quiet and each picked up books. They were standing right next to each other, but not too close. It was a normal distance. Magnus couldn't even focus on the book he was looking at. He couldn't have even told someone whether it was a hardcover or paperback. Then Alec's hand brushed against Magnus' causing their pinkies to link for a less than a second. 

Magnus lifted his hand quickly and picked up another book. Alec stepped around him to look at another book. Magnus felt all kinds of awkward. 

"Quick." Magnus nearly shouted. "Pick up the book closest to you and go to page 206. The first sentence describes your love life."

"Okay." Alec chuckled and grabbed a book. Magnus did as well. 

"What does it mean if it's blank?" Alec was laughing.

"Obviously, you'll die alone." Magnus teased. "Oh, mine is actually good." Magnus read a sentence about being fulfilled and happy by his husband. 

"I will not accept mine." Alec declared. They spent an hour going through books all over the store until they were both crying with laughter. 

"Okay," Alec said as Magnus picked one up. "Last one ant then I need to go."

Magnus instantly felt his heart sink. And then he remembered why he had stopped hanging out with Alec. It was too hard to leave like friends did when he imagined them going home together forever.

"We need to do this again soon." Alec opened the door. "I've missed you."

"Yeah. Sounds great." Magnus smiled while he silently died on the inside. 

"I'm over here." Alec pointed in the direction of the institute. 

"I'm there." Magnus pointed the opposite direction. 

"Bye." They both said and walked away. 

Magnus felt miserable. He couldn't keep doing this. It had been years of him pinning for Alec while they were friends. He couldn't survive it starting up again. Once he got home he poured himself a drink and laid across his bed. He had to change it. He had survived 6 months without Alec. He could do it, sure he didn't want to, but he could. He set his drink down on the nightstand, untouched and pulled out his phone. 

Hey, random thing. What do you think about going on a date?

Magnus started at the screen as it flashed and changed to say that it was sent. 

"Holy fucking shit. What did I just do?" Magnus shouted and glued his eyes to the screen.

A/N Hey! Don't Worry there are going to be at least 2 more parts to this. Hope you like it. Let me know what you think. Love you all!

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