House Party!!!!

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"I was not paid enough for that job." Magnus muttered to himself as he stumbling out of the cave. His designer shoes, pants, and shirt were ruined but nothing compared to how his beautiful hair looked at the moment. He looked worse than the demon that he had vanquished. 

He hurried to a hotel, portaled to a room and showered. The water sizzled when it hit the acid from the demon. "I am never doing that again." He used a loofa to scrub at the grime and then dumped two whole bottles of shampoo on his purple dyed hair. After an hour he felt clean enough to make it the rest of the way home. He looked at the clothes on the tiled floor that were already melting the porcelain. 

"Oops." He wiggled his fingers and the clothes disappeared. "Now for an outfit."

He got a pair of dark jeans, black shirt, and boots. He smiled at his reflection. He looked like Alec just a bit. By the angel it had been too long since he had held that shadowhunter of his. He looked at the calendar on his phone. "It's been a whole day almost."

He wondered how his shadowhunter had faired without him. He was going to just portal home but he decided to preserve the remaining magic he had. Instead, he hurried out into the hall and made his way to their apartment. When he got to his street he felt a weight lift from him. He couldn't wait to walk inside, lay flat on Alec who was probably dozing on the couch with a book in his hand and sleep for a couple of days. 

He heard music blasting from the apartment and cringed then got annoyed. Had Alec really thrown a party while Magnus was literally in hell? Alec never let them have big parties, well he would let Magnus throw them but Magnus couldn't enjoy them with Alec hiding in the corner looking like the people were kicking his pet puppy. 

"Alexander." Magnus' voice boomed but it didn't sound over the music. He opened the door and instantly his anger melted away. In front of him was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. 

Alec was in pink heart covered boxers with one of Magnus' hairbrushes in his hand. He was using the brush as a microphone as he sang along to the song that was currently blaring from the speakers. He hadn't noticed that he wasn't alone just yet and Magnus was glad. He silently closed the door and leaned back as he watched Alec start to shake his hips to the beat. 

Magnus was impressed; he really wasn't half bad. With his clumsiness, Magnus expected Alec to have no rhythm but his man was talented. Alec spun in a circle and Magnus thought he had been caught but then he saw that Alec's eyes were closed in pure bliss. 

"Mind if I cut in?" Magnus finally asked after another full song of watching. 

Alec jumped and elbowed Magnus in the chin. "Shit, sorry, ah, I think I'm dead." Alec said hurriedly.

Magnus laughed and touched his jaw. "It's okay. Sorry for scaring you."

"It's fine. Did you just get here?" Alec asked as the blush grew on his cheeks as he covered his chest with his arm and his boxers with the brush.

"Kind of." Magnus smiled and kissed Alec. "You're one hell of a dancer, babe."

"Ah, thanks." Alec giggled nervously. "Can you pretend you never saw it?"

Magnus slowly wrapped his arms around Alec and leaned his forehead against his. "Never."


"I think you owe me a dance." 

"You do, do you?" Alec asked with a smile on his face as he pulled Magnus closer.

"Absolutely." Magnus purred and kissed Alec's neck.

"I think something could be arranged." Alec whispered as the song changed to another slow one. 

"I'd love that." Magnus started to sway side to side and then suddenly he was spinning and Alec had dipped him down low. Alec kissed him and pulled him back up. "By the angel, what was that?"

"I've been practicing." Alec blushed again.

"You are incredible. I love you." Magnus grabbed Alec's face with his hands and kissed him. "Alexander, you are the best man to ever exist."

"I love you too." Alec hugged him tightly. "Next time can I come on your mission. It was far too long."

"I quit. Now I will do nothing but you."

"Don't you mean you'll do nothing but spend time with me?" Alec laughed.

"Nope. I meant what I said." Magnus laughed and winked.

"Oh," Alec nodded when he understood.

"But first can we sleep?"

"I thought you'd never ask." Alec bopped him on the nose and sauntered to their room. "By the way you look great in all black."

"Thanks it was inspired by some guy that I am in love with." 

"Should I be worried?"

"Maybe, I mean he can shake that ass of his pretty damn well."

"I might have to fight him." Alec laughed.

"As long as you don't bruise him." Magnus pulled off his clothes and got into the bed. 

"Fair enough." Alec turned off the light and tripped over a boot. "Ah! Well, he has a small bruise I think."

"Oh no, baby come here. I'll kiss it better." Magnus whispered as Alec got to the bed. "Show me where it hurts."

Question: What's the song you can't help but dance to?

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