2. Date Mix Up

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Answer: Trick Question!! Run away and change your name! Ahh!!!! I only have one more day to prepare and I kinda mostly don't have it memorized....

"Hey!" A blonde girl skipped up to Alec and engulfed him in a hug. "You must be Alec!" 

"Uh, yeah," Alec stepped back. "And you're Mag-uh here." He smiled hoping she didn't notice his screw up.

"Yep." Brittany smiled. "Should we go inside?" She wrapped her arm up with Alec's and he considered shaking her off and running.

"Great." Alec tried to sound excited but even to himself, he sounded like he was in pain. 

"Mike?" Brittany ran ahead and tackled Magnus from behind. 

Alec groaned. Of course, she knew him too. He started to turn to leave when he heard Magnus's rich voice. 

"I'm Magnus." He said and gently pushed her off him. 

"Oh, oops." Brittany giggled. "Sorry."

"It's fine." He smiled and then saw Alec who was half leaving, "Are you leaving so soon?"

"Uh, me?" Alec pointed to himself with confusion.

"Yeah." Magnus smiled deeply.

"Oh, no." He walked to the group. "Just thought I forgot my wallet in my car."

"I see." Magnus raised an eyebrow so Alec knew he saw through the lie. 

The girls seemed to know each other and started chatting loudly. Alec tried to tune them out, but it was impossible. He stepped away and Magnus followed. 

"Bane!" The hostess called out and Magnus turned to her. "Us, come on." 

And with that Alec was getting dragged to a secluded table with the most beautiful man he had ever seen. Alec should have stopped him or at least dropped his hand but even as they sat down and the girls joined them he couldn't. Their hands were still linked, resting on the booth cushion. 

"So, you're here with Brittany?" Santana asked with a mean look at Alec.

"Uh, kinda. It was a blind date." Alec said. 

"Right, well if you hurt her," Santana leaned over the table and her breath was hot on Alec's ear, "I'll cut your balls off and shove them into a pie before forcing you to eat it."

"Oh, wow. I don't actually do pie." Alec smiled awkwardly and finally pulled his hand away from Magnus's.

"You don't like pie?" Brittany cocked her head.

"Not really."


"Because um, I don't." He opened his menu.

"Hmm, what do I want to eat?"

"Me?" Magnus whispered.

"What?" Alec dropped his menu and it knocked over the glasses of water dumping water everywhere.

"What the hell?" Santana yelled as Brittany squealed and stood up. 

"Sorry." Alec winced and tried to mop up the mess.

"We're going to clean off. Either don't be here when we get back or stop sucking at your pathetic life." Santana rolled her eyes. 

"According to all of the math, I don't think it's possible." Brittany smiled sweetly as if it were a compliment. 

"Are you okay?" Magnus asked, wiping at Alec's shirt that was soaked through.

"Yeah, sorry," Alec whispered.

"Don't worry about it. Alexander, we both know that was my fault." Magnus winked. "So, about this date? Are you into it?"

"Um, sure. It's fine." Alec shrugged.

"Okay, but how about if you go on a date with me after this lousy dinner?" Magnus said in such a straightforward way Alec choked on his breath. 

"Um, ah, well."

"Yes?" Magnus bopped him on the nose. "Perfect."

Question: Pink or Blue? 

Daily Malec Fix TwoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora