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That one word and my world was spinning, twirling through the sky while simultaneously crashing into the hard concrete of the wood floor in my bedroom. One single syllable and I wanted to snap my phone in half. I took my phone of speaker and sat up on my hard, monotone bed that I had been lounging on, exhausted from a serious workout. My heart was racing faster now than it had been while I had been running and dodging knives.


I reacted even worse to that, my name. He couldn't say that. He had given up all rights to calling me, especially like this.

"I'm sorry." Magnus's voice sounded so pure and honest. I needed to hang up. This had to end before I did something stupid like forgive him or talk even.

"Please," his voice cracked and my heart followed suit just like it always did with him. I twisted my scratchy, grey blanket into my left fist and squeezed it as if it would fix everything. It never would. Nothing could fix this. It was too late and far too broken. I dug for my last ounce of strength and pulled my phone away from my ear.

"Wait." Magnus always had known me too well. He knew that I was going to hang up, he also knew that I wouldn't if he was still talking. "Please say something."

I opened my mouth and closed it again. I had a world of words in my mind and yet not a single combination of my lexicon worked for this moment. Instead, I released a single sigh; that was all I could do and then I sank back against my brick of a bed.

"I know that I can't change what I did, but please just give me the chance to explain." Magnus carried on as if my sigh was to tell him that I was still listening and always would. Maybe that's what it did mean. I was still there, hearing every breath he took, every swipe of his long, perfect, graceful fingers through his hair.

"I hurt you." His words hit me right in the chest as it tightened, trying to keep me from being cut wide open again. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move, and I couldn't think of anything except those three words. I hurt you.

"Please come over so we can talk." Magnus pleaded, it was a strange sound. Alec had never heard the warlock beg for something, he was far to majestic and confident for that. "Please, come over and let me explain myself. I need to see you."

His final words sliced into my flesh as I tried to remeber how to breathe. Why did he have to have so much power over me? I just wanted to be free and yet I knew I couldn't live without him. I slammed my phone shut and threw it as hard as I could against my blank, white wall. It bounced off the wall and skittered across my hard floor.

I didn't speak, I didn't move. I just stood in front of his open door staring at my demonic angel. He had changed his hair and was wearing sweats. In all the years I'd known him, I'd never even seen any sweats in his possession let alone on him. I had to fist my hands into my leather jacket to keep from running them against his spiky facial hair that was always clean shaven.

"Alexander," Magnus said on a breath. My knees almost gave out at the sound of my name and the pained look in his eyes. Neither of us said anything else not that we needed to, we knew everything already.

He stepped to the side and I managed to walk inside even though I couldn't feel my legs. It felt like I was floating, crashing, and in a coma all at the same time. He wiggled his fingers and two drinks appeared, one for each of his ring covered hands. His nails were the color of my favorite pair of pants, not exactly black, but not quite grey either.

He held a glass out to me and I shook my head while taking it making sure to not touch him at all. I wasn't sure what would happen but I was positive I didn't want it but I was also sure it was the only thing I wanted. I took a sip after waiting for the blue flame to go out. It burned but this time I didn't cough like I had the first time.

"How have you been?" Magnus asked as we stood in the entryway, neither of us making a move toward the couch or kitchen. There was too much history all around the apartment.

"I'm not here to chat." I spoke finally. It had been months since we had last talked and that was not what I wanted to say, but it was all I could manage. I wanted to scream, cry, and whisper all at the same time.

"Right." Magnus's eyes flashed yellow with pain and I wanted to kiss the hurt away but instead I set the glass down and crossed my arms across my chest.

"I've missed you so much." He started and I rolled my eyes. He had missed me?! What about me? He chose to leave. He pushed and shoved until I had no choice but to leave him to his perfect, lonely world and now he was trying to say he missed me. I couldn't do this. I had known better than to come. I turned and opened the door.

His hand wrapped around my bicep and I forgot how to breath. "Wait, please."

I had never heard him use that word more than I had today. Against my better judgement I stayed and slowly turned around to face him. My eyes were filling with liquid that I was forcing to stay inside. He reached around me and closed the door again before stepping closer to me. I backed up until I was flush against the cold door. I could feel the cold through my jacket as my body continued to overheat from his single hand on my arm.

"I'm so sorry." Magnus said softly. "I know I don't deserve it but please give me one more chance."

"Why?" I wasn't even sure if I had spoken out loud until I heard it in my ears. "You did exactly what I knew you would. I will not go through this again, I can't. You took my pure, inexperienced heart and shattered it. Why would I give you the chance to do that again?"

"I'm so sorry. I know I fucked up but I was scared just like you. I love you Alexander, and love just doesn't work between an immortal and mortal. I saw our future, full of happiness, love, and then death. I thought if I ended it now I'd be able to handle living without you, but I can't. I'd rather watch you grow old in my arms than stay alive alone forever."

"I love you too." Alec finally said and kissed him.

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