Valentine's Day

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Alec sat on the bed waiting for what seemed to be hours. Magnus had told him to meet at his place right? He went back through his memories. Yes, Magnus had said to be there at 6. It was now 7 and Alec had been there for a total of five minutes. Normally, he would be on time if not early to a meeting or date, whatever, but with Magnus he had learned that he lived on warlock time. Once you had forever it was hard to keep track of trivial things such as time.

His phone rang and he laughed into it. "Let me guess. You're going to be late."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Magnus said and Alec could see the smile on his face because he had just appeared in front of him.

They both dropped their phones and Alec reached out with his arms and legs. Alec's legs slowly wrapped around Magnus's so he had to step closer. Alec smiled up at his boyfriend as he leaned down to him. Magnus gently pushed Alec's shoulders so he had to lean back. Magnus used his elbows to hold his weight as he spread out over him.

"You made me wait an hour." Alec whispered against Magnus's neck as he sprinkled kisses there. 

"You got here five minutes ago." Magnus almost purred as his yellow eyes flashed his approval of Alec's actions.

"You're always late." Alec laid back and used his shadowhunter muscles to flip them over so he was on top of Magnus. "And I get bored waiting all by myself."

"I'm sorry darling." Magnus pushed Alec's hair out of his face and looked at his lips before meeting his gaze again. "Whatever could I do to make it up to you?"

Alec looked at Magnus's glittery lips. "I could think of a thing or two."

"Really?" Magnus cocked an eyebrow. "Just two things?"

"Maybe more." Alec leaned down and kissed Magnus three times. "One. Two. Three..."

Magnus' phone rang and he groaned. "I'm sorry."

Alec frowned but he understood so he shrugged. "I get it. Work comes first."

Magnus hit the answer button, kissed Alec again, and stood up. "What?"



"I'd rather not."

"It'll cost you." He said and rolled his eyes at Alec. "Fine. I'll be there in a minute."

Magnus' eyes flashed brightly. "It would behoove you to never rush a warlock. Or you may find yourself in more trouble than you already seem to be in."

"Yes, it was a threat." He hung up his phone. "I'm sorry, Alexander, my love, I must go. I'll be back shortly. Less than an hour."

"It's fine." Alec said and started to walk out of the room.

"No, you can stay. I promise. It won't take long. Then we'll celebrate Valentine's Day." Magnus said grabbing Alec's hand.

"Are you sure?" Alec asked.

"Of course." Magnus smiled.

"Okay. Be quick." Alec kissed Magnus quickly.

As soon as Magnus left Alec laid back on his bed and turned on the TV. He lost himself in the show that was on and didn't notice as he drifted off. 

"Alexander," Magnus called out when he got home. "Sorry it took a little longer than I planned."

"Alec," He said again. "He probably left. No one likes waiting."

"Alec?" He said again as he walked into his room. He froze. Alec was spread out on his bed with his feet on the pillows which normally would bother him, but seeing his angel, he couldn't be upset. He really wanted to spend time with him but he couldn't allow himself to wake Alec, so instead he grabbed a blanket, turned off the TV, and snuggled up next to him. Alec turned into him, resting his face against Magnus's chest. 

"Not the worst Valentine's Day I've ever had." He whispered and kissed Alec's hair.

A/N Sorry, I know it's short but I hope you enjoyed it! Happy Valentine's Day loves! 

Question: What did you do for Valentine's Day?

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