7. Fantasy vs Waking

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Answer: listen to music, watch shows, sleep if I can. Oh and chocolate and salt and vinegar ships don't hurt. haha

"What?" Alec asked quietly. His mind was reeling. Had that really just happened?

"Let's go." Magnus slid his arm into Alec's and marched to the door of his apartment. "Oh, and about meeting the guys. I lied."

"What do you mean?" Alec sobered. He should have known the fake psychic had lied. He probably didn't even know Valentine. Alec was an idiot to have trusted the guy just because for some reason he felt like he should. Who even did that? 

"I mean that we're getting dinner first. I just wanted to enjoy a nice meal with an attractive man, well to be honest, I wanted to have a meal with you. Looking like that." Magnus touched Alec's chest. "Darling, you are a vision."

"Is this a game?" Alec asked as he took a step back.

"Not at all."

"Are you sure?" 

"Positive. Now how do you feel about chinese?" Magnus changed the subject.

"The language or people?" Alec raised a brow at him.

"Seeing how we're going out for dinner I actually mean food." Magnus smirked.

"Right, that makes sense. I like it. I can't use chop sticks though." Alec admitted.

"I can help you."

"I'm good with a fork."

They talked normally and Magnus was happy to see that Alec was opening up as they walked to his car. By the time they got to the small, fancy, hidden restuarant Alec was acting open and enjoying himself. Magnus wondered if the detective did that ever. 

"Table for two." Magnus said when they walked in.

"Of course, Mr. Bane." A waitress led them to a small table towards the back and then left without giving them menus.

"Um, how do we order?" Alec asked as he sat down.

"We don't. I already did."

"You ordered for me?" Alec asked, shocked more by the fact that he liked it rather than being annoyed. 

"Yes." Magnus reached across the table. "Can I tell you something?"

"Sure." Alec moved his hand down to his lap before Magnus could touch his. 

"This isn't fake. I just told you that to get you to agree. I consider this to be our first date." Magnus smiled but remained serious so Alec could be positive that Magnus was being serious.

"I don't date-"

"-men." Magnus finished for him and held up his hand. "That kiss proves that you're lying."

"That's not what I was going to say." Alec blushed. "I don't date, period."

"Good thing this isn't just dating then."

"What do you mean?"

"This is endgame." 


"I plan for this to be a relationship."

"You sound crazy."

"Crazy is a good thing."


"What was that?" Alec jumped to his feet, pulled his gun out, and ran to the street. 

"Careful!" Magnus yelled as he followed after him.

Alec got to the street and saw the blaze just as the smell of smoke hit his nostrils. His phone rang and he answered.

"What the hell?" Jace demanded. "Are you okay?"

"Of course I am." Alec responded. "A building just exploded."

"I know. You were supposed to be in the building. But you're not?"

"No, I was across the street." Alec jogged across to the building that was crumbling. 

"Valentine and all of his contacts were inside. We were about to go inside and take them all down." Jace said.

"But, how? What happened?" Alec asked and then saw Magnus. He didn't look surprised at all. In fact, he looked happy. "Jace, I'll call you back."

"Magnus?" Alec asked.

"Alexander?" Magnus retorted.

"You did this." Alec said and as soon as the words left his mouth he knew it was true.

"But, I was with you all night." Magnus smiled deeply.

"That was the plan, wasn't it. Pretend that you need me for the case but really I was your alibi. How did you do it?" Alec asked.

"Are they all dead?" Magnus countered with his own question.

"I would assume so." Alec said. 

"Then it doesn't matter." Magnus turned around.

"Where are you going?"

"To eat."

"You killed them."

"Prove it detective or come have some dumplings."

Alec looked from Magnus to the building. What was he supposed to do? He imagined it would be hard to prove that Magnus did it and wasn't he right? The men were gone. The city was safe. But, he had murdered men. He needed to be punished. 

"Good monring," Magnus purred as Alec started mumbling in his sleep.

Alec shot up so fast that he smacked his head against Magnus's. 

"Ow." Magnus pouted and touched his forehead.

"Sorry." Alec said and then looked around. It had been a dream. They were okay.

Magnus used his magic to heal their bruises. "Bad dream?"

"I was a detective," Alec said.

"Oh, I could be into that. Was I the robber?" 

A/N Sorry, wattpad deleted the chapter on me a couple of times, so this isn't amazing but the next one will be a cute, fluffy Malec one shot so yay!!!

Question: If you were to runaway or take a break from life where would you go? Who would you tell?

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