2. But Families Can be Just as Bad

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Answer: I love the chill in the mornings and the sunny outside reading weather in the afternoon.

"You stupid, son of a bitch!" Magnus's father growled with such a menacing tone Magnus was surprised to not see him foaming at the mouth.

"Sorry I'm late." Magnus said quietly and averted his eyes. He knew better than to make eye contact with his father especially when he had been drinking.

"I told you to come home straight from school." His father jammed his finger into Magnus's chest.

"Sorry, father. Clary needed a ride home."

"Next time the slut can walk home or she can get a ride with some other pathetic piece of shit. When I tell you to come straight home, you come straight home."

"Yes, sir." Magnus nodded but kept his head hing low.

"Look at me when I'm speaking to you maggot."

"Yes, sir." Magnus looked at his father's chest, careful to keep from meeting his fiery, yet glazed gaze.

"Get out of my sight, you disgust me. And for once try not to disappoint me or I really will kick you out."

As Magnus turned to leave his dad kicked his side, hard. As he silently grunted he knew that his rib was either broken or seriously bruised.

"If it weren't too late I'd go back to the night your whore of a mother conceived you and stab her then. Maybe then I could have spawned a son worth having like Jace. He has a bright future and you,  well you have nothing. No skills, friends, or reasons to exist except for the fact that I need you to go buy me some more vodka."

Magnus bit his cheek and held back his emotions. There was no reason to cry or argue; he had learned as much through out his miserable life.

"I'm only 17." He pointed out carefully. Normally that didn't matter but his father had cut up his fake I.D because ironically he didn't want Magnus using it to buy himself alcohol.

"Maybe you shouldn't have lost your I.D. I don't care what you have to do. Bring me two bottles or sleep outside."

Magnus knew better than to take the option to just sleep outside. He had fallen for that trick only once, but it had been enough. His father had nearly drowned him with the sprinklers then when the ground was beyond soaked he had used the taser. Magnus had scars from where the electricity had entered his body.

Magnus took off hoping that if he was fast enough his father would pass out before Magnus had to leave. He wasn't going to miss Clary's surprise if it was the last thing he did. Which if his father wasn't passed out could very well be the last thing.


"Alec, your father and I need to talk to you about something very important." Alec's mom said as he walked inside their big house.

"Sure. What is it?" Alec shrugged and let his equipment bag fall to the ground.

"We're worried about your grades." His mom said as she turned and led the way to the living room where his dad was sitting.

"Not worried. We're disappointed and worried." His dad said with a scolding look.

"I have all A's." Alec pointed out.

"For now, but we saw that you got a 99 percent on a homework assignment. Your work is slipping drastically, son. It's embarrassing." His dad handed him the 20 page essay that he had spent days writing. The essay that he only got a 99 percent on because he had used British spelling for the word grey and his teacher preferred American.

"Is it drugs?" Is mom asked, her face full of concern.

"What?!" Alec shook his head. We're they kidding? He got a 99% and they thought he was on drugs. He didn't get 100 percent on one assignment and it meant his grades were slipping? "Of course not. If I were on drugs i guarantee I would be doing much worse."

His mom slapped him across the face. "You will lose the attitude right now. Go to your room and don't bother coming out until your ready to discuss how you're going to fix your plummeting academic scores."

"Plummeting?" Izzy laughed from the doorway. "Mom, Dad the boy is a genius. Chill. And maybe I won't hack into the system to change every grade he's had to an F."

Alec held back a smirk. He wished that he could be braver like her, but he left the crazy tactics to his sister.

"Isabelle, darling why don't you go help your mother with dinner?" Their dad asked.

"Of course daddy." Izzy kissed their dad's cheek.

Alec groaned he loved his sister but sometimes he was so jealous that he really wanted to hate her. He never could though, she was like a star, fiery, passionate, and force to be reckoned with. He hurried to his room and looked out his window to see Magnus carrying two brown paper bags to his house next door.

Alec saw a hand reach out the front door, grab the bags, and then shove Magnus back. Magnus stumbled then landed on his ass. 

Alec wanted to run out to help him but he couldn't. Magnus could never know that he knew the truth about his life, let alone that they were neighbors. Alec closed his curtains and laid back on his bed.

Question: Least favorite part of spring?

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