Part 3 White Roses - Greyson Chance

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"You were right," Magnus said, with his hand still on Alec's thigh. They hadn't said anything for what felt like an eternity. "He snores loudly."

Alec seemed relieved and stood up. "He does." Jace woke up from Alec's movement and rubbed his eyes. 

"What time is it?" Jace asked as he patted his pocket for his phone.

"Almost 7." Alec told him as he looked at his phone. He had a 2 new messages. "Shit."

"What?" Magnus stayed sitting, his hair had dried and was a little frizzy and curly. Alec wanted to run his fingers through it. He knew it would be so soft. 

"I forgot about Lydia." Alec groaned when there was a knock at the door.

"Oh yeah." Jace pumped his fist. "Go get some."

"Shut up, Jace." Alec shook his head.

"You don't have to go," Magnus said with such weight to his words that Alec was surprised it didn't force him to his knees. "If you don't want to."

"Of course he wants to go." Jace opened the door and Lydia looked cute, really cute, but Alec wished he could stay with the frizzy-haired man that would never be anything less than beautiful.

"Hey, Jace." She smiled and then caught Alec's eyes. "Hey, you."

"Hey," Alec walked over to her. "Sorry for not responding. I just saw your texts."

"You're fine." She smiled sweetly. "Looks like you've been busy." She nodded at the mess of items sitting in the living room and kitchen. Jace raised an eyebrow at Alec. 

"Yeah, but a break would be nice," Alec said truthfully, just to the wrong person. Magnus got up and walked past her to the stairs. Alec wanted to go after him but instead, he closed the door and walked to the other set of stairs with Lydia. 

"What are you studying?" Lydia asked as they walked along the sidewalk. 

"Criminal Justice and Linguistics," Alec said falling into easy, fake conversation. "I'm a double major."

"Oh, so brains and looks." Lydia teased. Alec felt bad for her, but he forced that down and continued to make small talk. She kept hitting him and grabbing his arm until he finally took her hand to get her to stop. He looked up and saw Magnus watching them from his car that was driving by in what felt like slow motion. 

"Here it is." Lydia declared. Alec looked at the ice cream shop and smiled. He did love ice cream.

"Lead the way." He let go of her hand and she skipped ahead of him. She stopped in front of the door and waited for him to open if for her. She winked and walked inside. 

Once they had their ice cream they walked back outside. Lydia kept talking about things that Alec couldn't focus on. She stopped walking and then pushed a button. Once the lights came on they crossed the street to a big park. They walked around it and talked on autopilot. Alec wondered if she could tell that he wasn't part of their conversation. 

"-Alec?" Her voice drew his attention.

"Yeah," He said not sure of what she had asked.

"Great." She hugged him and then kissed his cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Tomorrow?" He tried to remember what she had been talking about to no avail. "Great."

"Okay. Text me." She said and hugged him again at the bottom of the stairs. How had they gotten back to the apartment complex? He had no idea. 

"Bye." He shook his head and ran up the stairs. He saw Magnus's car was back and cringed at the thought of how he'd react to Alec's date. 

"You're finally here." Jace sat down on a tote. "How was it?"

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