1. Cops

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Answer: A fulltime author or a shark.

I'm sorry this is late! This cold is seriously kicking my ass!

"Lightwood." Alec snapped as he answered his phone. He pulled the comforter off him and stood up.

"Detective, sorry for waking you but we have a case." Clary said.

"I was awake." He lied. "Send me the address."

"Will d-"

Alec hung up before she finished speaking as he always did. The red head wasn't a bad person but she was much more chatty than he liked. There was a reason he liked working murder cases, the dead were quiet.

Alec grabbed a pair of jeans from the floor, sniffed, and decided they were clean enough. He tugged them on and dug through his dresser for a black shirt before pulling on a hoodie. He had planned to do laundry today since it was his day off so they'd just have to deal with him dressing more casually for the day.

His phone pinged notifying him that he had the address. He picked it up and called his partner.

"You know it's our day off, right?" Jace grumbled.

"You know it was your girlfriend who gave us the case right?" Alec shot back and locked his apartment up.

"Yeah, it's a big one I guess." Jace rubbed his eyes and finally rolled out of bed.

"The Circle?" Alec asked as he started his car.

"I don't know. I hope not."

"Stop by the office and get the files just in case."

"Only if you get the coffee and donuts."

"I thought you and Clary were on a diet."

"And I thought that you wouldn't leave your roommate."

"We both know you're not even dressed yet." Alec laughed. Sure it was kind of a dick move, him leaving Jace at their shared apartment but they were both used to it.

"Yeah, but it's such a waste for us both to drive."

"I'm almost to the crime scene. I'll take a black coffee."

"You're supposed to get the coffee." Jace rolled his eyes.

"Well, you're complaining about nothing so now you have something to bitch about." Alec hung up knowing that Jace was pissed. He also knew that Jace would get the coffee.

"Lightwood." Alec answered his phone again.

"It's your day off." Simon said in way of greeting.

"Yes." Alec turned right.

"It's the Circle. Luke wants me to bring in our informant. Where will I find him?"

"He was murdered last night." Alec stopped at a light and saw the cop cars up ahead. "His phone is on your desk. See what you can find."


"And Simon?"


"Tell me my sister isn't on this case."

"I can lie if you want."

"Son of a bitch!" Alec shot through the now green light.

"I'll tell Luke to pull her off the case."

"No, it's too late." Alec hung up and pulled into the driveway. He hopped out of his car and jogged into the house.

"Take off your shoes!" Someone yelled and Alec was smacked upside the head by a broom.

"What the fuck?" Alec snatched the broom away from the older woman.

"Shoes!" She shouted again.

"I'm so sorry, ma'am." Izzy stepped into the entry way and touched the woman's shoulder. "This is my brother, the detective. He's here to help find out who did this."

Izzy rolled her eyes at Alec and looked down at the pile of shoes. He kicked his boots off and walked inside.

"What happened?" Alec asked his sister as they walked down the hallway.

"Her husband was tortured, apparently their son worked with the circle and got out. They are looking for him."

"Do we know where he is?"

"No, but we better."

"Yeah, he clearly has something that will help take them down."

"You know what you have to do brother." Izzy handed him a card.

"I'm not going to the psychic."

"He's not psychic."

"Right, he just used to be one. He's insane."

"And smart."

"Detective, the body's over here." A cop cut them off.

"Right. Tell me what you know." Alec followed the cop and got to work.

Question: What's your favorite cold weather drink?

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