3. Okay, Maybe not?

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"Yes, we will call you in a week." Magnus shook the woman's hand and Alec forced himself to not slam the door in her face. They had been talking for almost an hour and he was getting to his limit of social interaction.

"And, if he causes you any trouble," she glances at Tim. "Let me know. It wouldn't be the first time." 

"I'm sure he'll be fine." Alec said and closed the door as he said, "goodbye."

"She's pleasant." Magnus rolled his eyes. "Now, Tim, what would you like us to call you?" 

The boy sat on the couch that was comfier than anything he'd ever sat on before. He hated this moment. It was always the worst part which was why he always chose to wear his worst clothes and best glare. That way, when the family sent him back it wasn't because they didn't like him. They just didn't like who he pretended to be. It was better this way. He had learned from a young age when his mom-. No, he wasn't going to think about her. He needed to focus.

"Does it matter?" He asked with a snort and brooding glare. 

"I would prefer to call you something that you actually want to be called." Alec stayed back but gave the boy a warm smile. "My name is Alec."

"And I'm Magnus." Magnus made a big movement to bow and his fingers danced.

"You're definitely gay." The boy smiled before hiding it behind a look of indifference. 

Magnus chuckled. He could tell the boy wasn't actually trying to be mean. He reminded him of Alec. He was pushing them away. It was his way of surviving. They all had their own ways of dealing. 

"He's actually bi." Alec offered up. "I'm the gay one. I'm picky, he's much more open to love."

"Did we not talk about me running away because of this shit?!" Rafael shouted from the game room. Rafael walked out and leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. "Dude, get out while you still can."

"I'm not your friend." The boy cocked an eyebrow at him. 

Rafael tensed but Alec silently put a hand on his son's shoulder. "We hope we can be, but if you don't want friends right now we can just be the people you're stuck with, like Rafael." Alec ruffled his son's hair. 

"By the angel, Dad. Can't you be more like you were when the two of you first met?" Rafael smiled so they knew he was playing around. 

"He started changing the moment he met me." Magnus winked. "You need to go back a bit further...or have him pretend we're Aunt Clary."

Alec fainted offense. "Excuse you. I have gotten much better." 

"Last week when she called you, you physically gagged before answering." Magnus pointed out.

"But, I did answer." Alec laughed.

"Daddy, I'm stuck in the wall!" Max squealed. 

"What?" Magnus and Alec said together and looked down the hallway to see Max's head and shoulders sticking out of the wall. 

Magnus flicked his fingers and Max flew to his arms. 

"Thanks, Daddy." Max smiled guiltily. 

"Who are you people?" The boy asked without meaning to speak out loud. 

"Just a normal family." They all said in the same voice which proved the exact opposite of what they had said. 

"Are you in a cult?" 

They all started laughing except for the confused, slightly scared teen on the couch. 

"We can be weird sometimes I guess." Alec shrugged and eyed Magnus.

"Your son is blue." The teen pointed at Max.

"It's because he loves blueberries." Rafael threw in. 

"That would turn him purple." 

"Of course, you picked a smart mundane." Rafael hissed at his dads.

"Are you going to kill me?" The teen looked between them all. 

"He's silly." Max blinked and was on the teen's lap and leaned in to whisper into his ear. "I like you. We're going to keep you." 

"Max, stop being creepy." Alec picked up the blue boy. "Sorry about that Tim."



"My name is Moth. I don't like Tim." 

"Moth it is. Now why don't we have some ice cream and talk some more?"

"I'll go get some." Rafael started to walk to the kitchen. 

"He's already seen it all." Magnus waved his hand. 

"Everything you've heard... about monsters, about nightmares, legends whispered around campfires. All the stories are true." Alec sat down next to Moth. "And you're part of this world."

"Alexander." Magnus was shocked.

"You can feel it can't you? He's one of us." Alec smiled at the teen. "How long have you known?"

"About what?" Moth looked confused.

"That you're not human"

"How did you know?" Moth sank away.

Question: Favorite magical creature? 

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