Part 1 White Roses - Greyson Chance

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A/N So this one is turning out to be a lot longer than I was expecting so I'll do at least another part if not more, depending on if you want more. Then the next story will be a request by @BabyJosephISBORN and then a request from @samd246. Sorry for it not tagging you both, but thanks for the comments and ideas! I love it. This one is based on a song that I've been listening to a bunch the past couple of weeks. It's actually about the singer who was afraid to be out and was trying to date a girl that he did love but not in the way that he actually wanted and there is the guy he actually loves watching. The music video is great. I'm going to use that idea a bit but also change it so it's my own story. Also, this is a college-age AU and the chapters are pretty long. Let me know what you think!

It was finally here. Freedom! Alec drove his car, full to the brim with all of his belongings that he couldn't part with. Jace was in his own car behind him and he was the only person that he would know in this new place. They had been friends as long as he could remember. When Jace's dad had died in an accident Alec's parents had taken him in. He was more of a brother than a friend. They were closer than Alec was with anyone except maybe his sister. It was going to be hard being away from her. Alec wouldn't miss his parents, he knew that, but Izzy, he was going to miss her like crazy.

Alec pulled into the apartment complex, following his phone's directions. Jace followed close behind and they both found parking spots after about thirty minutes. Alec got out of his car with his phone and check-in paperwork.

"Dude," Jace shook his head. "There are so many idiots. I swear I almost ran a couple of them over."

"Yeah, there are far too many people." Alec agreed. He was definitely on the more introverted side. He would prefer staying inside or being out by himself than be surrounded by people. Jace on the other hand, generally loved it. 

"But, damn, some of them are fine." Jace watched a red-headed girl walk by in a deep conversation with a nerdy-looking boy.

"True," Alec said just as his world stopped on its axis. "Beautiful." He said in reverence as his eyes met the most perfect person he had ever seen. He had a black and red spiked, almost too tall, mohawk, along with golden-brown eyes that sparkled in the sunlight. His eyes were surrounded by black lines and red swirls. The makeup would have looked bizarre on anyone else. His golden, tanned skin made the gold shirt pop. As he turned Alec got a great view of his ass in those tight black, jeans. 

"Alec, come on," Jace grabbed his arm and yanked him to the stairs of the check-in building. "I really hope our roommate doesn't suck. I don't get why we couldn't just have a two-bedroom apartment." 

"They were all taken by the time you got in, Mr. Waitlist." Alec teased, trying to get the guy out of his mind. He had already disappeared from his view and Alec felt like he was missing something. He had never felt like that before, but he knew from his sister and books that this was at least a serious crush if not more. 

"It would be great if it was a girl right?" Jace wiggled his eyebrows. "I call her, if so. Unless she's not my type."

"Do you even have a type?" Alec chuckled. "I feel like as long as she's a girl, you'd be into her." Alec shoved him lightly. 

"Hey!" Jace shoved him back. "Well, kind of. But that just means I'm a great guy. No judging."

"It means you're a manwhore." Alec teased and held his thumb and pointer finger a tiny distance away. "Just a tiny bit. Like a bit of a manwhore."

"Such a jerk." Jace stepped up as the line moved forward. "Hey, look that girl keeps checking me out."

"Shocking." Alec rolled his eyes. Jace was far too attractive for his own good. Alec had even had a crush on him for most of their lives, but it was one of fleeting love. It wasn't real and he knew it. It had been hard to admit it to himself but even if Jace somehow changed his whole personality and became gay, Alec would still not want him. Well, he might not say no to a little fun first. It was Jace.

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