Summer Day

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"Magnus, wake up!" Alec jumped onto his boyfriend's bed causing him to bounce before opening his eyes and glaring. "We have to leave right now. Hurry!"

Alec leapt up off of the bed and spun in a circle to face Magnus again. He chucked a bag at Magnus that was already packed for him. "I have everything you need. Let's go. You don't even have to change. Just hurry."

"What is going on?" Magnus rubbed at his eyes and looked at the clock. "The sun isn't even awake, why are we?"

"Because we need to be," Alec grabbed the bag that he had dropped on Magnus and swung it onto his back. "Come on."

Magnus saw that his dresser and closet had been riffled through. He looked at his boyfriend who was jumping up and down with excitement. "How long have you been here?"

Magnus looked around and back to Alec. "And how did you get inside?"

"I learned how to from the Youtube. It's a thing that mundanes use. And I've been here only about an hour." Alec pulled the covers back and took Magnus's hand. "Let's go."

"Wait a second." Magnus pulled on Alec's hand making him sit down on the bed. "I have so many questions."

"You can ask them on the way." Alec kissed his cheek and pulled Magnus to his feet. "You're driving because I can't, well I can but not in a way that anyone likes."

Magnus laughed and let his boyfriend pull him through his apartment. The door had giant scores on the side by the lock. "I'm going to assume you used a screwdriver to shimmy the lock?"

"Sword. I didn't have one of those mundane tools. A sword is much more effective." Alec blushed when Magnus tried to close the door behind them and it simply hung halfway open still. "Maybe it would have been less damaging."

"Probably." Magnus did a quick spell to seal his door and shrugged. "So where are we going this early in the morning?"

"It's a surprise." Alec pulled a bandana out of his pocket as they got to the van that he had borrowed from Simon. "You'll be blindfolded."

"How will I drive then?" Magnus cocked an eyebrow at Alec as he got in the driver's side. Alec frowned as he considered his question.

"You're the high warlock of Brooklyn." Alec said sarcastically. "You can do anything."

"Yes, I am amazing and all-powerful," Magnus tapped his chin trying to find a way to make his point without admitting that he couldn't do something. "This is because I beat you at darts yesterday."

"Of course not," Alec said, it was though. "I'm not petty or crazy competitive at all. It was simply a game."

"Fine." Magnus turned so his back was to Alec. "Blindfold me. I'm the immortal one."

"I knew it." Alec smirked and tied the blindfold on him just as he realized that Magnus was as competitive as him. Alec was about to die. Alec considered conceding but he couldn't. He had to win this time!

"Keys?" Magnus held out his hand and Alec held them up, just out of his reach. This game of chicken was not going to end with Magnus winning. "Where?"

"Grab them." Alec snorted. "If you can't grab them, you can't-" Alec's jaw dropped when Magnus easily snatched the keys out of his hand. "By the angel," Alec muttered.

"You were saying?" Magnus had a cocky grin on his face as he turned the van on.

"Nothing. I'm just so excited." Alec beamed then remembered that Magnus couldn't see him. "Go out to the right."

"Of course." Magnus put the car into reverse instead of drive and slammed into a dumpster behind them. He whipped the blindfold off and checked to see what he hit.

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