1. Brittana and Malec Blind Date

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Answer: Listen to music, read, play mindless games on my phone, drop my phone on my face once or twice and pass out... I'm sure this is healthy....

FYI: Brittana is Brittney and Santana from Glee.

Also: For the contest the prize for the top is going to be that I'll feature one of their chapters in my book. If you have any other ideas please share them!!!

"Alec you're going to love her." Izzy smiled at her brother and gave him a tight hug. 

Alec wanted to tell her the truth, he wanted to scream it at the top of his lungs, he wanted to admit that he knew he wasn't going to love the girl. But, he just smiled and nodded his head. "I'm sure I will." 

He had tried last week, to tell her the truth, but she had stopped him when he said he wasn't into girls. She had misunderstood him and thought that he meant that he didn't like anyone which, to be fair, was true, but in this case, he meant it differently. 

"What's her name again?" He asked as she started messing with her hair again and he smacked her hand away. "Stop it, Iz!"

"Sorry, I'm just so excited. You're going to love her."

"You already said that."

"Yeah, but it's true. And your babies will be so cute!" Izzy clapped her hands and twisted one of Alec's small curls around her finger. "Okay, I'm done."

"You know I'm not going to marry her or have sex. It's a dinner, Iz." Alec rolled his eyes. Izzy was great, but she got far too excited for his taste.

"Yeah, I know. You'll date for a couple months or so beforehand. But then you'll have adorable blonde babies. Oh my gosh, will you name one after me for introducing you two?" Izzy started jumping up and down.

Alec reached forward and placed his hand on top of his sister's head so he could stop her from jumping. "Izzy, you still haven't told me her name and please don't expect much. I'm only doing this because I lost our bet. I mean I lost a rigged bet, you damn cheater."

"Hey," Izzy smacked him in the chest, "stop it. We don't have room for snarky, bitter Alec tonight. Brittney deserves the charming Alec. The one that only exists in my dreams except for tonight." Izzy smacked him again.

Alec grabbed his chest. "If I promise to be nice will you stop hitting me?"

"Sure." Izzy smacked him again. "Well, now."

"By the angel! Go away!" Alec laughed. 

"This is my room." Izzy smirked.

"Well, then I'm leaving." Alec lifted his chin and turned only managing to trip over his own foot. "Shit!"

"Very smooth, brother." Izzy laughed and stepped over him. "I'll leave, but you need to go in ten minutes. I told her you'd meet her at the restaurant." 

"Thanks." Alec rolled his eyes and groaned when Izzy paused to snap a picture of him on the ground.

"No, thank you. I know have one more clumsy Alec pick than Jace." Izzy blew him a kiss and left him alone.

"Alec, why are you like this?" Alec grumbled to himself and debated just staying there until he died but after a minute or two he groaned and got up.

A half-hour later he pulled up to the restaurant and texted the number Izzy had given him to say that he was there. He opened his door and heard a grunt. 

"By the angel!" He winced and looked at the back of the person he had hit. "I'm so sorry."

"You should be-" The guy turned around and instantly his grimace turned to a smile. "Hi, I'm Magnus Bane."

"Uh, Alexand-Alec." Alec stuttered.

"Well, aren't you a treat for the eyes?" Magnus winked.

"Um, what actually people say I'm salty so I'm more like a potato which isn't a treat. Or are fries considered a treat? Would you say they are a treat or a snack? Fu-Shi-ah pancakes! Alec covered his face. "Can I borrow that pocket knife you have on your belt?"

"For what?" Magnus was kind enough to only laugh with his eyes.

"Oh, just a simple beheading I think." Alec blushed deeply and looked up at Magnus through his hands.

"But I like your head and body." Magnus smiled and then a girl tapped his shoulder. 

"Are you Mike?" The dark haired girl asked with a look similar to how Alec usually looked, bored and annoyed.

"Ah, Magnus, but I get that a lot. People also think I'm a dancer and singer, but I'm not." Magnus turned back to Alec. "Alexander it was great meeting you."

"Sorry again about hitting you." Alec ran his fingers through his hair.

"You can hit me anytime you want." Magnus led the girl away. 

Question: Best way to prepare for public speaking besides running away and changing your name?

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