9. Change in a Stagnant World

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Sorry it's late! I forgot to post it.

Answer: I've has this sane dream since I was 7. It randomly comes and I had it for 2 weeks straight when I was 7, because I keep having it until I make it to the end. So usually when it comes it stays for a couple of days. I'm with my family and we're going on a trip but the weather turns so we end up stopping at this old mansion for the night. There are a bunch of people because it's a party then the people start disappearing and every one turns into monsters. They all start chasing the people forcing them to eat a pill that turns them. It's pretty crazy haha

"Alec, we need to talk." His mom's voice carried through the door and he froze.

"Uh, yeah. One second." He looked around the room. It was like the dream. Magnus smirked and glanced at the closet then back at Alec.

"Just so you know I'm not really the closeted type. I might not announce my sexuality but I'm not in the closet." Magnus whispered.

"What?" Alec shook his head trying to figure out what was going on.

"Right. I'll hide under the bed." Magnus got down and slid under it before Alec could figure out what was going on.

The door knob turned and Alec couldn't breathe. His mom came in and gave him a frown. "Alec, about last night."

"Right." Alec ran his finger through his hair. "I'm sorry about the bad grade. I'll work harder, I promise."

"Alec, it was a 99%. You are a hard worker and I know that we sounded crazy. I just wanted to tell you that missing curfew is not a way to deal with constructive criticism." His mom reached forward and fixed his hair. "Your father is beyond upset and I tried to reason with him but he won't budge."

"Mom, it's fine. I screwed up. What's my punishment?" Alec smiled. He knew he should be pissed, he should argue, something, but he couldn't. His mom, like him, was just living in his father's world.

His mom pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek. "You are a wonderful son. You are a true Lightwood, you do what you do and accept your punishments. You're grounded for the week which means you can't go on our trip. You'll stay here and grandma is going to come stay with you."

"Wait, he's grounding me from the family vacation that I planned? He's not letting me go to California, universal studios, Disney, any of it?" Alec took a deep breath.

"Don't worry he wasn't going to let us go there. He got us tickets to Florida and we're going on a cruise to the Caribbean with his work." His mom gave his hand a squeeze. "Really you'll be lucky to miss it."

"Yeah, I guess." Alec rolled his eyes inwardly. "But does grandma really have to stay? I mean I'm 17 not 7."

"But you love grandma."

"I also love studying and you know she'll talk my ear off."

"She is a talker." His mom seemed to think it over then nodded. "Okay, no grandma but we video chat every night."

"Deal." Alec smiled. He had known the trip wouldn't happen but it still hurt. "And mom?"


"When are you going to leave him?"

"He's a good man. He's just been stressed with work."

"Whatever you say."

"Alec, it's complicated."


"Now get ready for breakfast."

"I'll be down in 10 minutes."

"Make it 5."


Alec closed the door after his mom left and sank to the floor.

"I'm so sorry." Magnus said from under his bed and for some reason it was the funniest thing Alec had ever seen. He started to laugh and before he knew it he had tears streaming down his face as the laughter continued.

Question: What's the dumbest thing you've been grounded for?

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