6. Miranda

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Answer: The roller coasters are great but I love the tower of terror/guardians of galaxy ride where you go up and down a bunch. It's so fun!

"Before we leave," Rafe said and looked nervous. "There's something else I need to tell you all."

"What?" Magnus asked and looked at Alec who shrugged. 

"Well, we found another survivor," Catherine said after Rafe looked at her. 

"That's great. Where are they?" Alec stood up slowly, still weak. 

"She's over there." Catherine pointed to a bush. "She's healing but she's not awake yet." 

"Why did you wait so long to tell me?" Magnus asked. "I could have helped her sooner."

"We were worried about Papa." Rafe frowned. "I used a rune on her and it seemed to help." 

"She's a shadowhunter?" Alec and Magnus were both shocked. 

"I think so." Rafe gave them another nervous look. Alec and Magnus both looked angry.

"Before you yell at him," Catherine interjected, "she was going to die. That was the only option we had."

"What if she had become a forsaken?" Alec demanded. "She could have killed us all."

"Now, you're just being dramatic." Rafe rolled his eyes. "She's barely my age. She's harmless."

"Take us to her," Magnus said, forcing himself to stay calm. 

"Fine." Rafe stepped around the bush and went into a small cave. Max grabbed Magnus' hand and followed them inside. 

Alec hissed when he saw the young girl, her wavy brown hair was covering her face, but he knew who she was. She was Miranda; she had to be. Her parents had been on a mission when they went missing. She had only been ten when they left, but they had taken her along. The whole institute had felt the pain of their loss. Her parents had been great warriors. 

"Miranda?" He whispered as he knelt next to her and brushed the hair out of her face.

"Wait, are you saying this is Miranda?" Magnus knelt next to him. 

"Who's Miranda?" Rafe asked, confused.

"I think she is." Alec nodded ignoring Rafe's confusion. "Was anyone else with her?"

"Not that we saw?" Catherine responded and touched Rafe's shoulder to stop him from asking who she was again. She lowered her voice. "Just give them a minute. Clearly, this is important."

"Fine" Rafe whispered back. 

"Miranda, darling, wake up," Magnus whispered as he used his magic to heal her. 

"Dad?" Miranda said then opened her eyes slowly. "Who are you?"

Her blue eyes got huge and she scuffled away from the people staring at her. 

"Miranda, I'm Alec Lightwood," Alec said and he scooted closer to her.

She threw her arms out in front of her. "Don't come near me!"

"Miranda, I won't. Where are your parents?" Alec leaned back and Magnus touched his shoulder. 

"How do you know my name?" Miranda asked. "I don't know you, any of you." 

"I knew you when you were little. I was friends with your parents." Alec offered as an explanation.

"Where are they?" Miranda asked.

"We don't know. There was a plane crash. Were they on the plane with you?"

"Plane? No! We've been on this island for years. This is our home. Where are they?" She jumped up and held a sharp rock against Alec's throat. He motioned for the others to not react, but he could feel the spark of Magnus' magic behind him. "What did you do to my parents?"

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