10. We'll Continue On

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Answer: My dad grounded me all the time for stupid things and sometimes my mom did too. Once though I stepped on a sewing needle that got stuck in my toe so I was crying and freaking out a bit. I got grounded for being disruptive and getting blood in the floor.

"Alec?" Magnus crawled out from under the bed. "Are you okay?"

Alec wiped at his eyes and looked at Magnus. "You looked so cute and innocent down there."

Magnus's eyebrows shot up. "Did you just call me cute?"

"Oh, no." Alec made a confused face. "Anyway, looks like we have a week to find you better sleeping arrangements."

"No way mister." Magnus scooted closer. "Not until you admit that you called Magnus Bane, the terror of the school, cute."

Magnus didn't know something about Alec and that was the crazy strong stubborn streak in him. Alec rolled his eyes and stood up.

"You can sleep on the floor on the other side of my bed I guess. That way they can't see you if anyone walks in." Alec picked out a pair of black jeans and a black shirt from his closet. He started to change then remembered that he had company. He looked at Magnus and cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, did you want me to turn around?" Magnus pretended to be shocked. "I mean I'm just surprised that you'd care seeing how I'm not cute or anything."

"I don't change in front of anyone." Alec said.

"And why is that?" Magnus was seriously curious.

"Because I don't." Alec rolled his eyes again and stepped further into the closet before pulling off his close.

"Ah, so you'd rather be in the closet than with me. I see how it is." Magnus laughed at his own joke and stretched out on Alec's bed, ready to go back to sleep.

"Why do you keeping joking about the closet and why are you doing this to me?" Alec asked sounding upset.

Magnus opened one eye to look at him from where he was laying with his arms crossed under his head. "What am I doing to you Alexander?"

"Well, for one, nobody calls me Alexander."

"Do you not like me calling you Alexander?"

"I didn't say that." Alec blushed. "But still it's like you know something but you won't tell me what it is."

"I think you know what it is." Magnus slowly got up, afraid that if he moved too fast Alec would bolt. "I think you're ready for it."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Alec shook his head then his eyes fell to Magnus's lips.

"Liar." Magnus stepped closer to him.

"No." Alec kept his eyes fixed on those red lips.



"Pants on fire."

"N-wait what?" Alec looked up.

"Liar, liar. Pants on fire." Magnus smiled and shrugged.

"Right. Uh, no." Alec smiled deeply. Why did he find that so endearing?

"What would you do if I got even closer?" Magnus asked in a whisper.

"Die?" Alec winced.

Magnus chuckled and stepped back. "Well, we can't have you dying. Go eat your breakfast, pretty boy."

Alec still smiling, turned and walked directly into his bedroom door. "Ow."

"It helps if you open doors before walking through the doorway." Magnus winked. "Bring me back something delicious. And some food please."

Alec opened the door too quickly and hit his toe. "By the angel!" He quickly left the room and hurried downstairs.

"What was that noise Alec?" Izzy asked with a smirk.

"I walked into my door." Alec grabbed a piece of bacon from the plate she was holding.

"Sounds like you." Izzy laughed and led the way to the table.

"Alec, your mother spoke to you?" His dad asked as they walked into the dining room.


"Good. We'll be leaving tonight. I asked Principal Bane to keep an eye on the house. If anything happens he'll tell us and your punishment will be far worse than this. Understood?"



Question: Have you seen Emo: The Musical? If not, go watch it now. It's hilarious and amazing! Then tell me what you think about it.

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