3. The Reason

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A/N This is back to the lost girl/found girl story. And there will be one more part then we'll go back to some fun oneshots!

"Are you going to tell me about what your sister had to say?" Magnus asked as they stood in the hallway. The girl was sleeping soundly and he knew they should just close the door and walk away but he couldn't. There was something about her that called to him; she was connected to them somehow.

"What do you mean?" Alec asked as he leaned against the wall with his hand in his hair.

"After she called you were acting different. Something happened." Magnus pressed.

"Kind of."

"It's about the girl."


"She's my daughter." Alec finally said and pushed off the wall to walk to the living room.

He poured two glasses of the amber liquid that normally only Magnus drank. He sighed. Magnus joined him and held out his hand. Alec placed a glass in it and they both drank deeply.

"I thought you hadn't been in a relationship before." Magnus said cautiously. It wasn't like he could judge the shadowhunter. He had been in far more relationships, but he had been upfront about it. Magnus never hid his past, never lied about what he had done or with who.

Alec stayed silent as he filled the glass again and swallowed it all in one gulp. He didn't know what to say; how could he explain what he didn't even understand himself. Alec sank onto the couch after filling the glass one more time.

"Alec?" Magnus kept his voice calm.

"I don't know." Alec shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair.

"You don't know what?" Magnus was getting frustrated. "You don't know how she was born? You don't know how she found you? You don't know who? Were there that many? What is it that you don't know?"

Magnus hadn't realized how loud his voice had been getting until a small sound behind him drew his attention.

"I'm so sorry." The small voice made Magnus freeze.

"Don't worry, this isn't about you. I'm sorry that we woke you." Alec stood up and walked to the girl. "Why don't we get you back to bed? We promise that we'll keep it down."

"No, you're fighting about me." The girl pushed Alec away. "They told me this would be a mistake. They told me to stay away."

"Who? Little girl, who are they?" Alec knelt down to be at eye level with the girl.

"Don't call me little girl!" She stomped her foot.

"Okay, sorry." Alec rubbed her arm. "What do you want me to call you?"

"By my name! Why don't you know my name? You gave it to me!" The little girl shouted and ran to the guest room. She slammed the door shut.

"Magnus, I don't know her. You have to believe me." Alec stood up.

"I think that's the problem. What about her mom? Who is she or are there so many you don't know." Magnus shook his head in frustration.

"Magnus, there's no one. I have never, would never." Alec grabbed Magnus's hands. "I promise you. You're the only one."

Magnus wanted to argue more but he couldn't; he saw the truth in Alec's eyes. "Okay, then let's go talk to her. First, what would you name a girl?"

"What?" Alec looked taken aback.

"She said that you gave her the name. What would it be?"

"Magnus, I have no idea! This is crazy. She clearly has me confused with someone else."

"Alec, you are one of a kind. There is no way that she's confusing you with someone else." Magnus cupped Alec's cheek. "Now tell me what you would name your daughter."

"Um, I guess maybe Lane, ah, Lanie probably if it were a girl." Alec groaned.

"Really? Why?"

"No reason. It would be impossible for her to have that name."

"Might as well try."

"Okay." Alec led the way to the guest room. He gave Magnus a questioning look then knocked. "Ah, Lanie?"

The door opened so fast that Alec almost fell as the girl grabbed his waist. "Daddy! I knew you'd remember."

"Daddy? Lanie, that's not possible." Alec said softly.

"But, Papa helped. He used his magic. You tell me the story all the time." The little girl looked up at him then Magnus. "Papa, tell him. Please."

"Um, darling, that's not possible. We haven't done anything like that." Magnus said softly.

"Yes, you did it after you got married!" Lanie threw her arms up in the air.

"Lanie, we aren't married," Alec said gently after exchanging a look with Magnus.

"Not yet," Lanie smirked. "Silly, that's why I'm here. Something happened. Rafe and Max disappeared. I need your help to get them back."

A/N What's your go to movie when you're sick? 

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