1. Solo Mission

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Alec started shoving weapons into his duffle bag angrily as he listened to Jace talk the annoying red head through the simple task of disarming him. He had hated her when she first got there and not much had changed. 

Sure, she could make runes and that was great but couldn't she at least try to not be so damn annoying? And the vampire, oh he wanted to stake him more than he wanted to eat pizza.

"Grapling hook?" He looked at the heavy piece of equipment. "Why not?"

He shoved it in the bag along with an extra set of clothes. He had come up with the idea an hour ago and it was what he was holding onto for his sanity.

"Alec, what are you doing?" Izzy asked from the doorway where she was leaning against the wall. She looked like she was ready for a date, but Alec knew his sister was really just going to train. She always dressed up more than she needed, more like dressed down.

"I'm going on a mission." Alec lied smoothly, only because it had turned into a mission for him.

"What mission? I haven't heard anything." Izzy raised an eyebrow.

"And you're not the head of the institute so it makes sense." Alec stood up and hefted the bag onto his shoulder.

"Sorry for asking." Izzy put her hands up with a snicker.

"I'll be back in the morning." Alec nodded his head in apology.

Izzy nodded back and he started to walk away. "And big brother?"

"Yeah." He turned to look at her.

"Have fun with your mission." She winked.

"Damn it, Iz." Alec shook his head. Of course she knew. "Keep quiet."

"No one will know." She smiled.

"No one will know what?" Jace asked as he joined them with Clary and Simon behind him.

"That Alec got a solo mission." Izzy covered smoothly.

"Do you want help on it?" Jace asked then stepped forward. "I'm coming."

"You can't." Izzy stopped him with her hand on his chest. "Alec is going to the iron sisters. That's why he wasn't going to tell us. He knew it would bother me."

"Oh, but I can still help." Jace offered.

"No. I want to go alone." He said, knowing better than to lie to his parabatai.

"Fine. Call if you need anything." Jace walked up to him and patted his shoulder before lowering his voice. "You seem nervous. Are you sure you're okay going alone?"

"Yes. I'm fine. While I'm gone please finish teaching the redhead how to disarm you. If you're not finished by the time I get back I might literally disarm her." Alec responded.

"Alec." Jace rolled his eyes. "I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks." Alec left the institute and pulled out his phone.

"Alexander, what a pleasant surprise." Magnus purred into the phone.

"Ah, hey. I'm coming over. Is that okay?" Alec asked realizing that he should have checked with Magnus before running off.

"Of course. When?" Magnus asked and Alec heard some noises in the background.

"Oh you're busy. Nevermind." Alec muttered and mentally kicked himself.

"I am doing something right now but I'd love to see you. How about you can come over in about an hour?" Magnus offered.

"Are you sure?" Alec asked and heard a big crashing sound.

"Actually make that two hours." Magnus said.

"Okay. I'll see you in two hours." Alec smiled. He hated that Magnus wouldn't just drop whatever he was doing for him but he understood it.

Alec wandered over to the park and decided to work out there for a bit while he waited. He turned down a small path towards a more secluded area. As he turned the corner he crashed into someone.

"Sorry." He said and then smiled when he saw the shiny shoes of the man he had bumped into. "Magnus."

"Alexander." Magnus smiled at him and wrapped his arms around him. "I do have to finish up some work but I was thinking you could come to my apartment and wait there."

"I don't want to intrude." Alec frowned barely.

"Alec, you'll never be intruding." Magnus kissed him softly. "Come home with me."

"Okay." Alec grinned and kissed him back.

Magnus took the bag from Alec and sent it to his apartment. "What was in that bag?"

"Weapons. I thought we could train together." Alec blushed.

"We can do some exercising." Magnus kissed Alec's cheek.

"Well, that too, but I really want to practice fighting a warlock." Alec tried to ignore the excitement of what Magnus said.

"Then we will do that too. But don't get upset when I beat you." Magnus winked.

"We both know I'll win." Alec cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Sure, you'll win." Magnus snorted. "You're lucky you're cute."

"Don't patronize me." Alec shoved Magnus playfully.

"Never. Now let's get you home pretty boy. You can practice losing to me while I finish up." Magnus tapped his nose playfully and opened a portal.

A/N Who do you think will win? Find out tomorrow! Wahoo! Wattpad is working and I actually have sometime for it again.

Question: Scarf and beanie or Hoodie?

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