3. Meet me Under the Mistletoe

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Christmas Wedding Planner (It's super cheesy but so funny and cute!) Also, I just saw the new Grinch movie today with my nieces and nephew. It was so cute and funny!

I watched in horror as my coffee seeped into Magnus's white and gold pants along with the pile of textbooks. Magnus leaped up into the air yelping most likely from the pain of boiling hot coffee. 

My eyes bugged out bigger than ever before. They felt like they were about to pop out of my head. Apologize, you anxious psycho!  "Um, uh, s-s-s-sor-" I sputtered out as I jumped up and ran out of the coffee shop with vivid thoughts of running in front of a bus. 

"Of course, no buses." I groan and slump down against the wall.  I guess that would be a bit dramatic. I'll live, sure, I'll live alone. But I mean I always knew that.

"Excuse me." A voice broke through my self-loathing. 

"I'm not a hobo!!" I shouted and glared up at the guy whose lap I had just burned. By the angel! Kill me.

"All right." He smiled. "I'm not either." 

"What?" I said harshly more out of confusion than anything else.

"I'm not a hobo." He held out a hand in front of me.

"Yeah," I look him up and down, from his sparkling red and green dyed hair down to his golden converse. I ignored his hand.

He glanced at his hand then shrugged before tucking it into his pocket. "Do you often get mistaken for being a hobo?"


"Right. Well, might I recommend not sitting on the ground like a hobo then." There was that smile again. My legs felt wobbly as I nodded and stood up.

"You're probably right," I said still unsure of why he was out here. "Why are you out here?"

"Well, someone spilled their coffee on me so I figured I could use a bit of a cooldown." He said and I wondered if he forgot that it was me. Maybe he was the crazy one; not me! Of course, he knows it was you. He's here to take your money to pay for his ruined clothes.

"Sorry about your pants and books. I'll pay for them." I offered with a frown. 

"I made these." I looked down at the now stained pants.

"Wow." I said unsure of what else to say.

"And the books were fine. You ran off so quickly though you left your phone. It must have fallen out of your pocket. Also, you didn't notice when you stepped on it, with both of your feet, kicked it into the wall." He held up my cracked phone. I blushed deeply. Great job butter fingers.

"Thank you." I groaned and took my phone. My parents were going to kill me. It was the third this month.

"Also, Ragnor, the owner, needed you." He nodded his head back at the shop where Ragnor was standing, arms crossed, foot tapping, a glare on his face. 

"Oh." I smiled at him and wave half-heartedly. 

"Yeah, you sort of also knocked over a couple chairs and a woman on your sprint outside." He held out my scarf and beanie that I hadn't even realized had fallen off.

"Oh my gosh." I sighed.  

"I can't lie." He smiled that smile that I was already in love with again. "You know how to make an exit."

"I'm so sorry." I took my items from him. 

"Don't be. This is the most entertaining thing I've seen in far too long. If not for the fact that you dumped molten lava coffee on my lap I'd ask you to marry me." He joked. 

"Me? Marry you?" I asked with stars in my eyes.

He winked. "Maybe we could start with some coffee." He seemed to think it over. "In mugs. I'll hold yours. Or maybe some ice cream. Actually, we should start with something dry like a muffin. I don't like muffins. They're depressing undressed cupcakes. Cupcakes. That's the way to go. It's decided. We'll get cupcakes. Here, this way."

And with that, I found myself with his hand on my back pushing me down the street, unsure of what was actually happening. 

Question: Favorite Christmas Ornament?

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