1. Too Little, Too Late

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The sun was setting, creating a beautiful painting in the sky. It truly was a wondrous sight, or at least it would be if anyone were to notice it. But, instead the two men who usually would be cuddling beneath the masterpiece were seperated and unaware of what they were missing.

Magnus, the glitter loving warlock, who was just cynical and sassy enough that people generally missed the lonely soul behind his yellow eyes was uncharacteristically bland that night. He was lounged on his couch with a slew of bottles to keep him company along with an angry looking cat.

And Alec, the sardonic shadowhunter was sitting at his desk staring at the blank wall. There was a knock at his door but he knew if he stayed quiet his perky, and nearly psychic sister would understand that he needed space. It had been a terrible enough day without having to explain what had happened to her.

"When you're ready to talk I'll be in my room." Izzy said through the door.

Alec nodded even though she couldn't see him and stayed silent. He winced his eyes shut as she walked away. Her footsteps sounded nothing like Magnus's but it was all he could hear. Magnus, had been the one to walk away; not him. So, why did he feel so god damn guilty?

Because you made him walk away. He whispered in his mind.

Alec snorted. "What was I supposed to do? Stop him? By the angel! He's far better without me!"

Alec jumped up and swiped his arm across his desk shoving everything off it including the laptop that Magnus's had bought him.

"Damn it!" Alec picked it up and checked for any dents. "Or course it's fine. Magnus always has perfect things. Can't have a simple item. Stupid piece of shit."

Alec held the computer so tightly his knuckles were white and then slammed it over his knee. He hissed from the pain but somehow felt better as the glass shattered. There was going to be a bruise but he had won. He tossed the broken laptop into the trash and flopped onto his bed.

Magnus snapped his fingers and the TV crackled before turning on.

"Fuck you!" He chucked the bottle at screen when he saw that How to Lose A Guy in Ten Days was on and when he flipped the channel it was He's Just Not That Into You. Was this a cruel joke?

"How to get away with murder? That could be good." Magnus smirked and settled in just as the two men on the screen started to make out. "Oh for the Angels sake!"

Magnus gave up and blew up the TV with the flick of his wrist. "Guess it's just you and me, Chairman Meow."

The cat seemed to roll his eyes then sauntered away.

"Dick!" Magnus literally hissed at the cat.

Alec checked his phone telling himself that it was in case there was a mission. That was a lie and when he saw that the notification was simply that his phone had an update he considered using the phone as target practice.

Seeing the background picture after he closed the notification felt like getting stabbed in the chest. It was a picture of him with Magnus. Magnus had kissed his cheek right when he took the picture and Alec was smiling, which wad beyond rare.

"I'm a selfish idiot." Alec groaned. "Of course he is too."

It had been long enough. Alec was going to march over there and speak his mind. Magnus didn't need to accept it he just had to listen. Alec wasn't going to let his only relationship end without at least trying to explain.

He yanked on his coat and ran to the subway station. He paced while waiting and on the train. He couldn't manage to stand still or stop tapping his fingers on his leg. When he got to Magnus's he slammed his fist against the door.

"Go away!" Magnus's voice boomed.

"No!" Alec yelled back.

"Lightwood, leave before I torch your ass and not in a good way." Magnus responded.

"Not until you hear me out." Alec demanded.

There was a silence so palpable that had they decided to, they could have swam through it. But finally the door swung open.

"Mundane, I might be immortal but I have already wasted plenty of time on you so I'll give you one minute." Magnus declared.

"I'm not a mundane." Alec said bitterly.

"Right now you are." Magnus rolled his eyes before continuing, "I'm assuming you didn't come to talk about being mundane so spill."

A/N after looking at all of the cute Malec ideas I thought, hey why not start the day off by making all of us cry? You're welcome! I'm wondering if I should do a second part or not?....hmmm?🤔🤔🤔🤔

Also love you all! Comment a funny face here if you semi hate me.

Question: What's something you do if you're angry?

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