5. Family Secrets

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Answer: Doodle

"What are we going to do?" Alec asked, unsure if it had been a second or a year since he had last spoken.

"Whatever you choose I'll do it." Magnus kissed Alec's cheek.

"We could pretend we didn't hear it." Alec said quietly, his mind was clearly not focusing on Magnus right now.

"The only name the agency knows is Mr. Bane. He would never know." Magnus added and rubbed Alec's back the way he knew Alec liked.

"We could send him back." Alec whispered.

"Whatever you want." Magnus smiled reassuringly even though Alec was not looking at him.

"What would you do?" Alec looked into his husband's yellow eyes.

Magnus kissed him. "Alexander, I could tell you what I'd do but that doesn't matter right now. This is your choice to make. I will support whatever you decide."

"You'd tell him." Alec smiled sadly.

"You would too." Magnus cupped his chin. "You would ask me if we could keep him. If we could give him a home here, with us."

"I don't know if I can. Mags, my dad...we knew but, I mean. How? Why?" Alec stopped as he felt the lump in his throat grow.

"It's going to be okay." Magnus hugged him tightly.

"Dad?" Rafael addressed Alec.

"Yeah, bud?" Alec tried to sound and look like everything was fine.

"I sent Max to go check on Moth." Rafael walked over to them.

"You're going to let him stay, right?" Rafael asked.

"What?" Alec hadn't expected to hear that from the boy who rarely liked anybody.

"He's like me. He needs you." Rafael said quietly.

"It's complicated." Magnus explained.

"Was this hard when you chose to keep me?" Rafael looked into his dad's blue eyes. "Did you want to send me back? Do you wish you had?"

"Of course not." Alec stood up and hugged his son. "Our lives would not be complete without you."

"Then please let him stay. He needs a home." Rafael pleaded. "I could have been him."

"We're thinking about it." Alec said.

Rafael seemed to be thinking very hard. "I'll leave."

"What? Why?" Alec was surprised.

"If you don't have room for him in the family he can take my spot. I've had a family longer than I thought I would. It's his turn." Rafael hung his head.

Alec held him tightly and kissed his hair. "Rafael, we would never think of replacing you. Family is not like a game where you trade players, it's forever. If Moth wants to stay he can."

Magnus cleared his throat. "Good choice."

Moth And Max came out right then. "I'm starving." Max whined.

"You just ate a snack." Magnus pointed out.

"I'm a growing warlock. I need sustenance!" Max called out and they all laughed. 

"Dinner time it is." Alec led the way to the kitchen.

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