2. Meet me Under the Mistletoe

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Answer: Baby It's Cold Outside and Santa Stole my Girlfriend

I hurried down the street knowing that I was cutting it close. I looked down at my watch and cursed under my breath as I pushed my legs to run faster. There he was! Well, there was the outside of where he was. There was a hipster couple standing in front of the door. They were, at that moment, my truest nemeses They were blocking me from him. 

In my mind I envisioned myself shoving them out of my way, there overpriced probably dumb flavored coffee would go flying. But instead, I sort of grunted and accidentally stepped on their feet.

"Sorry." I think I said as I finally got inside. 

"Welcome to the Hidden World Coffee Shop." The owner shouted which made me feel like every eye was on me when in fact only one set of eyes really was.

"Ah, uh." I replied in my best try at creating a string of words. I internally rolled my eyes and glared at myself before walking to the counter. As I walked I looked around the shop.

"Let me guess." The owner smirked and twirled a mug on his pointer finger. "A black coffee."

"I would break that." I said, but only the word "break" actually was out loud.

"What?" The guy chuckled. "Ah, the mug?"

I cleared my throat and had a very quick, harsh talk with myself: Alexander Gideon Lightwood you will stop acting like an illiterate, psycho caveman and talk to the person like a normal human being."

"Sorry about that. Yes. I would break that mug." I smiled. Yes! I did it! I acted like a sane person. And then I heard loud clanking sounds. "Shit!" I saw the broken container, that had carried a bunch of homemade cookies, broken on the ground.

"No worries." The owner smiled. "How about I get you that coffee and you promise to not touch my stuff anymore?"

"Sorry, I'll pay for them all." I winced again.

"Really it's fine." He chuckled. "I know what it's like when you're around your crush."

"What?!" I practically squealed.

"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me."

"No idea. You know?" I said in English that even I couldn't understand.

"Now boy, you should know that lying to Ragnor is futile. I have seen you come here every day for 3 months. Do you honestly think I didn't notice?" He poured my coffee and handed me an oversized mug.

"How?" I sputtered and didn't even attempt to take the coffee from him because my hands were so sweaty it would have simply slipped out of them.

"I run a coffee shop." He said as if that said everything, but thankfully he winked and continued. "I people watch constantly."

"Oh." My heart was beating so fast I thought it might burst. Can you die from embarrassment? Was I going to be the first?

"See? Look over at the guy." He nodded to a guy I had seen a couple of times. "He's actually dating that woman over there who happens to be his best friends mom."

"How could you possibly know that?" I asked, not believing a word he said.

"They all came in together one time. It was so awkward I'd be surprised if they all didn't know the truth yet. But, they probably don't simply because most people miss the important things. Now, you better take your coffee and hurry over to your seat. Your friend is just outside."  Ragnor winked again and I took the coffee.

"Please." I pleaded.

"Kid, your secret is safe with me." He smiled. "But, you should consider sharing it yourself."

"I already plan to die alone." I walked away and turned the corner to see Him sitting on my couch. I looked back at Ragnor and he smirked. That jerk. He lied. Ragnor knew that He was here already.

I froze unsure of what to do. All of the desks were blocked off with tape saying that they had been repainted. That asshole! He sent me over here knowing that I'd make an idiot of myself! 

"Hey," He said with a guilty smile. "I know this is your spot but, I can't sit in mine."

"Uh." I nodded my head. Alexander, you are an idiot. I internally groaned.

He moved a couple of books and balanced them on the armrest. "Maybe we can share?"

"Share?" I croaked. 

"I would just move, but I never knew how comfortable this couch was." He patted the cushion next to him. "Come on. I promise I won't bite." 

I debated quickly with myself. "Thanks."

I took a seat and forgot how to breath when he smiled at me. 

"I'm Magnus Bane." His voice sounded like velvet and chocolate.


"It's nice to finally meet you." He said and I dumped my entire coffee on his history textbook and lap. 

Question: Favorite Christmas movie right now?

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