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Alec didn't want to be there. He had tried everything short of death to get out of the party and yet there he was. Granted it was hard to get out of your own birthday party.

"Alexander," Magnus, the man who had forced Alec to attend, whispered into his ear, "Could you try to look a little less like you want to murder our guests?"

Alec looked at a warlock he had met a couple of times and forced a smile that caused the man to visibly flinch before retreating to the far corner away from them. "There." Alec shrugged his shoulders at Magnus who looked mildly horrified.

"What did you do to Rex?" Magnus asked still looking worried. He had to force himself to stay with Alec instead of checking up on his longtime friend. Rex was a warlock who wasn't exactly as good as Magnus. He chose to work more with revenge and deep-seated hatred. Never in the hundreds of years that they had known each other had Magnus seen that level of fear from him. In fact, he had never shown a single drop of fear.

"I smiled." Alec rolled his eyes.

"Alexander." Magnus scolded. "He's trembling."

"Not my fault." Alec jutted out his chin and Magnus knew that no matter what he said Alec would not back down now. They rarely fought, but they did argue sometimes and this was making out to be one of those times.

"Why can't you just enjoy the party?" Magnus asked him, with a hand on his boyfriend's cheek. He knew that Alec had a hard time staying upset if they were touching. Magnus, was the same. It was like they were their own kryptonite.

"I don't know anyone here." Alec said and reached up to remove Magnus' hand but instead he covered it with his own. "I hate parties."

"You know everyone here." Magnus pointed out. It was true but Alec's idea of a good time was being with just Magnus or a couple of close friends; not this.

"No one that I like." Alec groaned and felt guilty at the look of hurt in Magnus' yellow eyes. He always let his warlock mark show when he was among friends.

"Except you." Alec smiled.

"You did not smile like that at him." Magnus chuckled. "If you had he would be over here on the ground nursing his wounds."

"He's hurt?" Alec glanced at the scared looking warlock, confused.

"He would have been." Magnus cocked an eyebrow as he pulled Alec's hand down to link his fingers with his own. "That look you gave me would have him over here in seconds trying to seduce my man."

"Me?" Alec scoffed and shook his head. "Yeah right."

"I'm serious." Magnus gave him a completely serious look. "You may not see it, and I work around the clock to keep it that way, but there are tons of shadowhunters, mundanes, warlocks, beings out there that want a piece of you. And not in a killing way, more in the," Magnus leaned forward and kissed Alec passionately and quickly before cocking an eyebrow again. "In that way."

Alec looked like he wanted to argue more but then he looked down at Magnus' lips again. He stepped closer and slid his hand inside Magnus' vest that was opened with nothing underneath. "You know, if these people weren't here we could have our own party."

"Nope!" Magnus jumped back with a smile and hungry eyes. "You're not getting me this time."

"Are you sure about that?" Alec slowly followed him back so he could touch his side again. "I mean, it is my birthday."

"No." Magnus giggled as he stepped back again. "Stay back."

"Why?" Alec teased and this time he stayed still. He knew the game they were playing and he knew Magnus. Alec was going to win. He waited patiently as Magnus stepped closer to him. They weren't touching but they were close enough that they could feel the heat from each other and that was somehow worse. Alec smiled, that smile, the one he knew Magnus couldn't resist. Magnus leaned almost in perceptivity closer then he shook his head as if pulling himself out of a dream.

"Alexander Gideon Lightwood!" Magnus shouted and everyone in the room looked at them. Magnus and Alec didn't notice or care. This was about them, and only them. They were looking at each other so tensely that a few people left just because the tension was too much.

Magnus bit his lip then released it slowly. "Fine." Without looking away from Alec's blue eyes he moved his hands in a dance to create portals. "Out you go. Now."

The crowd took the hint and left as quickly as possible. Some weren't quick enough for their liking. Magnus waved his hand again and they were gone. Alec didn't ask about where he sent them and Magnus didn't offer an answer. Alec's smile turned to a smirk.

"You didn't win." Magnus glared at him.

"Of course not." Alec's smirk grew bigger.

"I'm going to wipe that smirk right off your dumb, beautiful face." Magnus threatened.

"Go ahead. Try." Alec raised his eyebrows in a challenge.

Magnus stepped closer so they were pressed against each other.

"Um." Jace's voice interrupted them and they both looked at him. "How long was I in the bathroom.

"Get out!" Magnus shouted as Alec yelled, "by the Angel!"

"Damn." Jace held up his hands. "Chill. I'm going."

"Leave!" Alec and Magnus shouted as one. Jace hurried and ran out the door before Magnus could send him off to some unknown location again.

"You need to drop that guy." Magnus groaned.

"You invited him." Alec pointed out.

"Never again." Magnus said, his lips moving against Alec's. Alec didn't kiss him yet, he just responded and let his lips brush against Magnus'. "Never again."

Magnus cupped Alec's face with his hands and Alec's hands slid to Magnus' back. Their lips met and they melted into each other.  

A/N Hope you enjoyed one with a little more steam. Let me know if there is anything else you want to see. I've been feeling inspired and have written some today so I'm really going to try to get back to one a day. Also, I'm just really missing Malec! Thank you for sticking with me this long and welcome to all of the new readers. You are all amazing!

Question: What's a way that you got out of going to a party that you didn't want to go to?

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