Chapter 28

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All the blood in my body froze and my mouth became dry at his words. He what? I pulled away from the kiss to get a good look at his face to see if he was serious, but my plan failed me as he began trailing kisses down my jaw. A gasp escaped my swollen lips as his hands slipped under the wet material of my top, and began to draw light, invisible circles around my hips.

The current in the water picked up a little, slightly moving us closer together. I stared at the couple tattoos on Niall's arms as his muscles underneath contracted to keep us in place. He began to suck on the skin under my ear, leaving me with no choice other than to tilt my head to the side.

I want to speak and tell him everything that needs to be said. I want to say how wrong this is and how mean I am to be leading him on. I want to say everything that is on my mind, but I just can't find the words to speak.

"Niall..", I meant to groan, but it came out more as a moan. His hums sent vibrations across my skin and chills down my spine.

"Khlo.", He mumbled back, slowly rising my shirt above my head.

"No, Niall." I pushed his hands down, pulling my head back. His lips came detached from my skin and a look of either hurt or nervousness crossed his eyes as he backed up a little. "This-what-we can't keep doing this.", I muttered, the nervousness from his stare starting to intimidate me.

His hands left my waist and he nodded his heard towards the bank, telling me to follow him as he crossed the water and sat on the wet sand.

He scooted over more towards me. Our knees brushed but I ignored it, running my hands through the wet sand. The silence between us started to become unbearable but was soon broke as Niall spoke up. "What's going on, Khlo?"

I let out a shaky breath, glancing to him. I pulled my knees into my chest, resting my chin on them. "Um...", I don't know how to say this. "Well, I've been thinking, and I even got some advice from Gemma, and I think it's best if- that we just s-stop being friends.."

"We were never friends, Khloe." okay, that hurt a little.

"Like, I mean stop seeing each other altogether." I didn't dare to look into his eyes, so I settled on something more calming in hope to settle my nerves- the water that was splashing my feet.

He was quiet, too quiet, so I spoke again.

"I just need to get focus-"

"Need to focus?! Khloe, are you fucking serious?" I winced and glanced up to him, noticing that he was now standing. I couldn't help to look straight ahead, looking to his tight boxers that clung to him from the water.

I looked up again, moving backwards to put space between us. "Niall, so much is happened in the past month, and I just need a break. I need to focus on myself before I can focus on something else. Gemma told me that-"

"Of couse Gemma would fucking say something to get you away from me!"

What? It's not Gemma's choice.. It's mine.

I think.

"First of all, Gemma didn't say anything to 'get me away from you'. Second, I can't keep doing this to myself. I'm not one of your little sluts, Niall!"

"Who ever said you were?", his voice was calmer now which should have made me calmer, but instead only made me more intimated and scared.

"Well that's what it seems like! I can't keep jumping back from you to Luke. I won't." I was standing now, brushing of the wet sand in my hands.

"So fucking pick, Khloe! You know I don't do girlfriends, but guess what! Neither does fucking Lucas!", Niall yelled, walking towards me as I backed into the edge of the land.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now