S t e l l a.

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Meta Knight was sat on his bed, pondering about his rival, his only rival. When he fled, he didn't recall seeing anyone else behind him. How did she escape, anyway? No star ships had landed there besides his own. As far as he was aware, there were no survivors. He decided to take his mind off of the thoughts by asking Galacta Knight to go for a fly with him. "I just wonder; what does she think now?" He muttered to himself.

Of course, he had no idea what exactly she thought of him. He assumed she hated his guts and wanted to shred him. Such was not the case.

Leaned backwards, Stella stood diagonally while still thinking of the past.


I had finally managed to finish my ship. As fantastic as she looked, she wasn't the strongest ship. Recalling a past conversation, I remembered that my rival had made (or was going to make) a ship named the Halberd or something like that. Man, I got real curious and thought about what he was doing right now...probably training. If there was anything he did, it was train. Always, he was preparing for another battle. Well, probably because NightMare Enterprises was going to threaten our lives.

Stella stopped with the flashbacks. She could remember when the news spread about Kirby defeating Nightmare Enterprises. With all the demon beasts and monsters gone, there seemed to be no use for Star Warriors anymore. Until the next threat introduced itself, there wouldn't be a need to do anything. Maybe, there doesn't need to be another threat...? What would it be like to be the next threat? To go ahead and make people shiver in their own skin when she was around? To go ahead and hear people's bones clatter together in fear, with her intimidating presence? Oh, the thoughts were quite intregueing. Being the threat, the villain, the bad guy, the darkness. The thoughts were appealing. How nice would it be to strike fear into the hearts of innocents?
So, it was settled.
No, it wasn't. She didn't like the thought of it. All she wanted was to get her well-deserved revenge. Then again...slaying another star warrior would be very foolish.. wouldn't it? But, it was too late to fix what they could've had. It was too late!
Maybe it wasn't though..
Maybe her being so fickle had blinded her.
Perhaps, it wasn't too late to sort things out

or maybe

it was.

It wasn't, she just had to try.

Opening a portal into Whispy Woods she braced herself for whatever would become of the situation.

Tiff was lounging against the trunk of a tree, with a book in her hands. Kirby was bounding around, trying to catch butterflies as Morpho Knight just watched. Spying the group, Stella hid herself and looked at them from a distance, observing their actions. After what had happened, she was paranoid that the people of Dreamland wanted her dead. Taking a shot, Stella walked from her hiding spot, over to the three. In shock, Tiff slammed her book closed as Morpho Knight drew his sword. "What do you want?" He asked, pointing the blade to her throat, unintentionally stabbing it slightly. Putting her arms up, she squeaked," I come in peace. Don't fricken hurt me."
Lowering his sword, he withdrew it from her throat. "You might of accidentally *slightly* stabbed me in my throat." Stella nervously laughed.
"Oh, sorry!" Morpho Knight hastily apologised.
Kirby looked up at Stella. Noticing, Stella looked down at him and smiled.
"Aww he's so cute." She laughed as she picked up Kirby.
"So, why are you here? To duel Meta Knight again?" Morpho Knight questioned, dusting off his armour.
"I wanna set things right with us. Countless times, my undying hatred for him had driven me to the extreme and caused me to do horrendously cruel things. I want to set this rivalry to rest today." She told him.
Completely astounded by this, he lead her to the castle. It's probably a prank. Morpho thought.
Regardless of his thoughts, he took her to where Meta Knight was. "Hey Meta Knight! Someone's here to see you." Morpho Knight shouted over.
Getting up off the beach, he walked over to where Morpho Knight was. "What is she doing here?" Meta Knight questioned.
Morpho Knight shrugged.
"I'm here to...fix things.." Stella shyly confessed. " I know things haven't been the best between us but I should just let it go. Hanging onto the same invalid argument for years is pathetic and I shouldn't have done it. Maybe, we could go ahead and become friends? If not, that's completely fine. I won't destroy you if you choose not to."
Considering his options, he was unsure if he should accept her proposal. Should they be friends? Or maybe they should just clean the state and start fresh?

"I'm sorry, but after everything you've caused me and Galacta Knight to go through, I just can't."

These words made Stella's heart sink in her chest. It wasn't his fault though, she was at fault. "Well, I wish you well." Stella whispered, as she chanted a spell. With that, she disappeared.

Walking over, Galacta Knight reassured Meta Knight that he made the right decision. "I know, but it's hard to get over. It's just a bit sudden and overwhelming how she came and tried to set things right." Meta Knight told him.
Nodding slowly, Galacta Knight tried his best to understand what he could.
Later that night, they returned to their room and he was still thinking about his answer. The second thoughts, alongside the awful nightmares, made it almost impossible to sleep that night. 

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