Save Me Alpha King

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Dedicated girlonline2017

Idea and Plot: Predictable

Summary: Lucy is seventeen years old, she is one of the few teens that suffers from depression. After being abused by her own pack at age fifteen, Lucy runs away with the hope of never seeing another wolf. For the past few years Lucy has been trained by hunters, to be the first female rogue in history to become a huntress. But on the same night she is suppose to attack her old pack, she crosses the path of the soon to be Alpha King!

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My Review: Alright, I'm going to just dive in head first.  

You have grammar issues right when the story begins. I liked the short little snip in the beginning, but you repeat story a lot in that one area. The dialogue has some issues and the random switches of emotion are confusing. The character development is not very much and you really need to work the description. 

Your plot is like many others, but you make it your own with small things you do differently from the other writers (like living with the hunters). Spacing is okay, just looks messy. You have capitalization issues, after a comma you do not need a capital letter. Punctuation also could be a bit better and your tense needs some help. 

You have paragraphing down though, but the pace somewhat confuses me; it switches often. I do like your cover though. 

Rating: 6.5

Overall: Needs a bit of help

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