That Was All She Wrote

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Plot and Idea: Cute

Genre: Teen Fiction

Summary:© 2015 by ShawnGardner2 All Rights Reserved

Though I've never seen her; she is beautiful. Her graze light, floating, balancing between the wind and gravity. I know her eyes are just the same. Soft eyes; taking innocent pictures of the world, trying to cleanse it's savage grime. She is the definition of lovely, and it doesn't take a mirror to see it. In subtle light, she glows, cascading a heavenly aura around her. I can't help but wonder is she just a dream, or do angels actually exist. My heart yearns for her, though she has long since gone. With gentle words to remember her by. And as bad as I wanted to talk to her again.That Was All She WroteMark is unhappy. Not just because his sister wouldn't care if he died, but because he's growing up fast; unfulfilled to be exact. He hasn't went to a party, hasn't stayed up all night, hasn't sneaked out, barely drove, and most important to him, never had a girlfriend. He's not looking for sex, not looking for a beautiful girl to use as a show prop, not even looking for a kiss. He just wants to say for at least a day, that he's had someone who cares about him despite his parents and his two friends. But far too often than not, the world doesn't seem to work that way for the good guys. Meaning he is all alone with his music and pitch-black room at night.That is until his friend Jessica introduces him to this new app for local teens to find and date each other based on their personality, before actually meeting each other in real life. But what do you do when you fall in love with an anonymous girl who wants to remain anonymous? You fall deeper in love of course.

My Review: So I based my review on your summary and prologue since you haven't written much. The prologue is quote short, but it pulls in people which is very important. I think the cover could be a little better, but you have good spacing, paragraphing, grammar, description and capitalization. I think the punctuation needs a quick one over, but that's all. I couldn't judge on some other things, so I will try and rate it on what I saw.

Rating: 8

Overall: Nice beginning, hope it stays on that track.

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