My Guardian Spirit

22 2 0


Plot and Idea: Interesting

Genre: Action


* I do not own the cover. No copyright is intended. Credit for the image belongs to @svreska off of the app "WeHeartIt"*

Perfect and obedient daughter of royalty by day, ruthless assassin by night, Rayna's bloody lifestyle takes a surprising turn when she encounters a little problem. Even worse, this little problem comes in the form of a young boy who believes her--a killer--to be his Guardian Spirit.

My Review: You are a wonderful writer and you have a wonderful book cover to go with it. The paragraphing was good for the most part, there weren't major things that suck out as wrong to me. Though  I would recommend in terms of punctuation you use 3 (...) instead of (........) because there may be a few picky readers who comment that as being incorrect.

The capitalization is wonder and your characters are very intriguing and have great development. The spacing as well is perfectly fine and your grammar is wonderful. I was in love with your description and dialogue, but would check for run on sentences. Semicolons are very helpful when writing, so that you don't overuse the comma, as long as you use them properly. (TIP: Semicolons can be used when combing two sentences with the same subject and when writing long lists)

Rating: 10

Overall: This is a wonderful story that needs much more recognition!

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