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Plot and Idea:  Sad story feel

Genre: Romance


This is a love story about a girl who loved another girl.

But not just any love

The kind of love that consumes and devours every inch of your heart

Only to give barely half of the affection in return

So I guess this isn't really a love story by the standard belief that both parties should love each other

but I'll leave that ultimately up to you.

My Review: You need help with many things. Your cover is cute, but a bit too small so maybe fix that. You need help with paragraphing, dialogue, pace, setting development, paragraphing, sentence structure, and much more. Your spacing is ok for some part, and the story is nice, but needs much fixing. I'd suggest getting an editor. You do have nice quote at the top of each chapter, but you need to fix certain things.

Rating: 2.3

Overall: You need help, so people can recognize your story.

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