Coloring Book

74 4 3


Plot and Idea: Not typically done

Genre: Paranormal

Summary:  The colors of depression, greed, innocence, evil, and more intertwine in this riveting tale. The world is not as black and white as it may seem...

My Review: The characters are interesting and your sense of description seems to be pretty good.The plot of your story doesn't immediately form in the beginning, but as the story continues the story makes more sense in those terms. The cover is simple, but very nice with the idea that your going for by your title. The flow of your story isn't too fast, but the spacing in your sentences needs some checking.

The paragraphing is good for your story and you definitely manage to keep readers intrigued from the first chapter.  The tense you are using seems to be fine as well. Try formalizing the setting a bit more by using some more description and check your punctuation and capitalization since there are some issues with it. The dialogue between your characters is fun and light which makes everything feel natural instead of static. Make sure to keep working with your characters so as the story continues they are growing, so everything doesn't feel stuck.

Overall, nothing majorly wrong that can't be fixed. Everything I've touched upon are just what I've seen from the first two chapters you've published, so I can't really say much.

Rating: 8.8

Overall: Interesting, few nicks here and there

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