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by sloanranger


More than an insect making her home,

tiny weaver of silken webs -

I am Wilbur's friend, Charlotte.

I am courage and grace,

savior and spider;

I am nature.

I am love,

I am



Hearing the noise, the woman came outside and saw the rear end of the Taurus stuck up at a strange angle. The front end had fallen down and was touching the driveway. All that was visible of her husband were his lower legs.

Her shrieks rent the quiet morning. "Call 911!" she screamed, running towards the car. "Call 911!"


The young man in blue scrubs came from a darkened room, the steady buzzing of electronic machines barely audible in the background. A female nurse passing in the hall stopped.

"How's he doing?"

"He's pretty banged up but the Doc said he might make it."

At the raising of one doubtful eyebrow, he turned his head towards the man in traction. She has a point, he thought, this case had more injuries than he'd ever seen in a patient.

The med-tech added: "Doc says he can't figure out how he got all those injuries from the accident. Me either. Pretty strange, if you ask me."

He turned back to the female nurse and added: "His wife's coming back tonight."

"This late?" The nurse asked, surprised, the single eyebrow going up again.

The young man in scrubs shrugged. He turned and walked to the brightly lighted nurse's station to make his report leaving the female nurse standing quietly by the room, the sound of the machines softly hissing through the darkened door.

(To be continued).

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