Chapter Twenty Six - Part 1

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Chapter Twenty Six                

by sloanranger

Part 1

Elaine arrived at the mental hospital the next afternoon at about two in the afternoon. It was a quiet place naturally, done in quiet colors – natural enough, too. The nurses wouldn't allow Elaine to visit Cass in her room. Elaine understood – they'd probably been made aware that it was someone named Elaine that Cassie had attacked.

She waited in what was a circular lounge.

The doors on the perimeter that opened onto the center were the patient's rooms, she discovered.  At the end of the circle was a nurses station. The center-lounge was furnished with table and chair groupings and a television. Two vending machines, one for drinks another for snacks, stood against a wall.

Cassie came from one of the perimeter rooms dressed in a soft beige blouse over tan slacks. She was accompanied by a female nurse in ordinary clothes. Elaine had yet to see anyone in scrubs or any kind of nursing uniform.

Cassie looked pale and her cheeks were puffy. After she sat down the escort left and went to the far side of the room.

"How are you, Cass?" Elaine said.

"How would you expect me to be in a place like this?" She said. "These places are not really conducive to a great deal of fun Elaine, although I've had one patient tell me she was happier here than home."

"It doesn't seem too awful, Cassie." Elaine replied.

(To be continued).

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