Chapter Eight - Part 2

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Chapter Eight              

by sloanranger

Part  2

Later that evening after showering and gettting comfortable in pajamas, Elaine sat down to do her e-mail. She found herself entering the name Eizabeth Fey into the computer. Nothing came up. But when she added Hoag Hospital to the name, that linked her to a newspaper article about missing drugs and the number of such cases in area hospitals.

She added key words, 'missing drugs,' 'Orange County.' Nothing. Next, she substituted 'Los Angeles County' and something popped up in an article from the LA Times:

"An investigation has been instigated by the LAPD after receiving a report about drugs missing from L.A. County Hospital. The charges came from an employee, Elizabeth Fey, who stated that theft was a common occurrence due to lax oversight by the hospital." 

Elaine could not find any follow up to the story.

Mixed thoughts raced through Elaine's mind. She recalled Cassie saying she had been born somewhere in Texas – Huntsville, she thought. It only took her a few minutes and Elaine was into the Huntsville Observer Newspaper.

The rest came more slowly but by using the paper's archives and what would have been Cassie's – or Eizabeth's approximate age, she was able to find a chain of information:

Elizabeth Fey was born in Huntsville to Lana Elizabeth Fey March 24, 1982. The attending physician was Dr. Morgan Ashley, the family's doctor. There was no mention of a name for the father. 

Curiouser an curiouser. She closed the computer and made up her mind to go to the library again for  a further search. 

(To be continued).

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