Chapter Twenty Seven - Part 1

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Chapter Twenty Seven         

by sloanranger

Part l


For days following her visit with Cassie at the hospital, Elaine was upset.

Steve tried to calm her but nothing he did assuaged Elaine's feeling of helplessness. Worse, things seemed to take on a life of there own regarding Billy. Steve had talked to Tom on more than one occasion about Cassie's allegations of Paula's history but either Tom could not, or would not, believe them.

"He's really upset about the whole thing, Elaine. I can't read him at all."

"What do you mean?" Elaine said, when they were talking one night after dinner. Elaine had made tea and they were having muffins with them.

"You remember how you felt because Cass hadn't told you about knowing Paula? Well you can imagine how all of this has hit Tom."

"Yes, but he's known all along that Billy wasn't his. I mean Billy came with Cass when they first married. It was a package deal. Right?"

"Yes, but he didn't know that she'd stolen her sister's baby; that she'd changed her real name and even her looks before they married."

"You've told him Cass's allegations regarding Paula, haven't you?"

"I did - but like I said, I can't read him. I don't know what he's thinking – whether he believes his wife or Paula."

"Why wouldn't he believe his wife over someone who's a relative stranger?" Elaine asked, surprised.

"Honey, come on. After what she's done?  Kidnapping, attempted murder?  You do remember she tried to kill you ?"

(To be continued).


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