Chapter Seven - Part 1

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Chapter Seven                     

by sloanranger

Part 1 

The instructor walked up and down the length of the pool with a whistle in her mouth while Elvis Presley sang "I Want You, I Need You, I Love You," on the CD player.

The students ranged from ages 28 to a spritely 87 year old. They were an eclectic group and they usually liked the instructor's choice of music but Pat had been a little heavy on the Elvis and Tom Jones tonight.

Her classes were not for lightweights. Good at her job, she kept the women exercising for two hours. The first hour with aerobics and the second, 'body sculpting.'She made sure that they burned lots of calories in both classes, although the music was a little more relaxed during the second hour.

Some of the women went home after the first class. Cassie elected to stay for both sessions most days. Three new girls arrived at the half-way point, including Paula's friend, Marie.

There was a space near Cassie in the pool and Marie jumped in next to her. After a few minutes, she said hello.

"Hi, you're Cassie, aren't you?"

"Yes and you're Marie, right - Paula's friend?"

"Uh, huh. Did I miss much?"

"Not unless you're crazy for Tom Jones."

Marie smiled. Cassie was hesitant but asked anyway. "How's Paula doing?"

"Oh, she's doing better. It's been almost five months now."

(To be continued).

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