Chapter Twenty One - Part 5

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Chapter Twenty One       

by  sloanranger

Part 5


Elaine was shaken, almost dropping the cup and saucer. It was less of a shock than it would have been five minutes earlier, before she'd seen the photos, but still unnerving. 

Looking at Paula closely now, she could see it. Close up, yes...there was no mistaking the resemblance. It wouldn't be obvious to anyone casually acquainted with the two because of the nose and hair difference. But the eyes, the bone structure - were plain.

"Uh, huh; fraternal twins like my Lana and Liza. I'm the youngest."

Elaine was dumbfounded. "Youngest?"

"By four minutes."

"Four minutes - oh, you mean younger by four minutes."

"Yes, someone has to be born first you know, even with twins."

Elaine felt a little dense for a moment. "But why did you keep your relationship a secret? Or why did Cassie for that matter.

Paula said. "What did Elizabeth - I mean 'Cassie' tell you?"      

"That when her Mom died, she had to go live with her aunt." Elaine added.

"Elizabeth was actually raised by our aunt, our mother's sister. Mom couldn't afford to raise both of us, so Aunt Lana – sounds like Atlanta doesn't it?" Paula smiled appropriately then she got serious again.

"Anyway, she took Elizabeth. She and Uncle Herb adopted her, gave her his name – Fey. It was all arranged before hand. It was fine as long as Uncle Herb was alive but he died when Elizabeth was 13. A couple of years later Aunt Lana got a boyfriend. It was pretty hard for Lizzie after that."

"To be honest, she was never happy there, even before Uncle Herb died. I think she always felt like Mom didn't love her because she was the one who was sent away, but that wasn't the reason at all.

Mama always said that I was the runt - that Elizabeth – Cassie, was stronger when she was born. If it had to be one of us, better Elizabeth,  Mom thought. And really, it was the next best thing. I mean we got to see each other all the time and we were still family – still sisters."

(To be continued).

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