Chapter Twenty Eight - Part 3

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Chapter Twenty Eight

by sloanranger   

Part 3

Tom did not want to divorce the only mother Billy had ever known and he certainly wasn't ready to talk to Billy about that. No, but he sat Billy down one day:

"It's just that she's your biological mother, Billy," Tom explained. "She wants to get to know you."

"Yeah," Billy said, "but what am I going to call her?"

"Hmmm. Well how about you just call her Mrs. Miller for starters?" Tom said. "Later, when you get to know one another, maybe you or she will think of something else. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay, Dad; I guess."

 Billy and Paula had lunch and dinner dates together at first and after Cass had been in the hospital for almost two months, the weekend visits were suggested.

For his part, Billy agreed to the visits because his Dad seemed to think it was the right thing to do. What's more the boy believed if he was cooperative there would be less stress for everyone and that his mother would be home sooner.

Mrs. Miller was all right but he wasn't comfortable around her. She had her two younger kids  and they seemed to require a lot of her time. Billy got along fine with them but  there was an big age difference and they weren't much company for him.

 It wasn't that he disliked Mrs. Miller but he liked his own Mom better.  And for no reason he could put his finger on, the other woman made him nervous.

 On what was to be his third weekend visit, Tom let the boy out of the car in front of Paula's house Friday afternoon. "I'll pick you up Sunday afternoon. Okay, son?"

"Yeah, Dad, fine."

"Call me."

"Okay, Dad, sure." Billy grabbed his rucksack and waved at his father as he pulled out of the driveway.

(To be continued).

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