Chapter Thirty One - Part 2

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Chapter Thirty One                    

by sloanranger

Part 2

"Are you all right?" Paula said. But Paula was looking past her with a calm look on her face.

Elaine could see a definite resemblance between the women now, but the look Paula had was far different than anything she had ever seen on Cassie's face.

"As a matter-of-fact, I'm not," Elaine said, trying to hold onto the chair arm long enough to sit down. She finally managed to sit but it didn't help.

"I feel like I'm coming down with the flu." Elaine said.

Something was wrong with the way Paula was looking at her. 

She had a self-righteous, expectant look - as though she were a child that had just won a game that some other kid had always beaten her at.

Frankly, Elaine could not understand what the woman's attitude was. Paula seemed to be going back and forth: one minute she was caring and sensitive to her sister's plight and the next moment she was saying things to make Elaine feel that she did not even like Cassie or Elizabeth or whatever she called her.

"Looks like rain," Paula observed, detached. She began folding up the patio chairs and leaning them against the wall - all except for the ones the two women occupied.

Elaine was becoming very uncomfortable.  She still held the pills in her hand and her head still hurt. Rather than the tea reviving her though, she was feeling exhausted. She wanted nothing more than to go home and crawl into bed.

But Paula was still talking and Elaine was still trying to understand.

It must be awful, Elaine thought, having your sister take your child and thinking that she may have murdered two of your husbands.

(To be  continued).

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