Chapter Sixteen - Part 3

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Chapter Sixteen    

Part 3

by sloanranger

"Mike didn't even know. Billy says he walked around until after dark and climbed over their fence. There was a sleeping bag in the tent, so he was all right."

"But why would he do that? It doesn't make sense."

"No, but at least we know where he spent the night. The question is: why, now," Tom said.

"Well," Steve added, "One step at a time. I wouldn't worry anymore tonight, just give him a little space."

"Space?" Cassie said, incredulous.  "You don't have any kids, Steve. Eleven-year olds don't get to have space; they tell their parents where they've been and why."

"All right, Honey," Tom said, "You've got to settle down. It's not helping anything for you to keep getting upset."

""It's my job to get upset!" She said, her voice rising.

"Okay, Tommy," Elaine broke in, suddenly. "Where the hell is that Merlot?"

 On the way home, Elaine asked her husband, "Why do you think he stayed out all night, Steve."

"I don't know, Honey. It could be any number of things. If she acts like this often, I'm surprised he hasn't done it before."

"Oh, Steve, you know what a good Mom Cassie is. She dotes on Billy."

"Yeah, but the kid is growing up, it may be time to loosen the strings. Look, I don't know why he did it. But if it were my kid, I'd tread lightly until he feels like confiding in them, give the kid some breathing space - or he may just try it again."

(To be continued).


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