Chapter Thirty - Part 4

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Chapter Thirty                     

by sloanranger

Part 4

"Oh, you don't know Elizabeth. She cut her teeth on shrinks. There's no telling what she'll say to them."

"What do you mean?" Elaine said.

"I mean just that. Beginning in the fifth grade and all through middle school, she saw one therapist after another. You wouldn't believe the stories she told them about... about me, mostly. Halfway through high school she had one of the therapists going into therapy himself."

Elaine smiled at that. The woman was likely exaggerating, she thought but she hoped that Paula told her more. Elaine wanted to learn the truth if she could.

"It really isn't funny, Elaine."

"No, of course not – it was just the way you put it." Elaine said. "And Paula, Cass has been saying some incredible things."

 "Such as?

"Well for one thing, she said that she gotten back at you for what you did to her in Huntsville."

"What I did to her?" Paula asked.

"It was my understanding that you stole her boyfriend."

"Bill dated Elizabeth before me but Billy is my child."

"Could she have been pregnant too, at the same time?" Elaine asked.

"If she was pregnant she must have miscarried because she certainly didn't have a child."

Elaine's head was starting to hurt, this was all too much. It was difficult to justify Cass actually taking her sister's child.

(To be continued).

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