Chapter Three - Part 2

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Chapter Three                                 

by sloanranger

Part 2

"And Bette's character was about status, too," Cassie continued, "and reputation." 

"So... you liked Black Widow best?" Elaine persisted.

"I thought Black Widow was better, not knocking your favorite actress. But then, I like spiders, remember?" Cassie grinned.

"Yeah, I remember. What is it with you and spiders?"

"Take care of other insects in the house," Cass clipped, stopping to take a bite of her food. Continuing then, "They're artistic, persistent and their webs are beautiful; but probably the real reason is because I fell in love with Charlotte's Web as a kid."

"Oh," Elaine said. "In that case, I'll let you slide - I liked it. too."

"Back to Bette, though," Elaine steered the conversation back to the movies. "I thought her performance was funny, almost a caricature. That line about her horse, Fury."

"I never thought you'd admit that, Elaine. It was funny."

"Yeah, she was really over the top. Extreme Bette Davis," Elaine grinned. "But I put all the blame on the director."

"She's always a little over the top for me," Cassie grinned, hand up, in a stop gesture. "You promised no lecture."

"So I did," Elaine smiled. They had finished eating and were on their second coffee refill when the busboy offered to take their plates. They both nodded yes and asked for a doggy bag. 

"Well, I'm full.  Now, what do I give Steve tonight?"

"He can have my leftover tamale," Cassie offered.

(To be continued).

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