Chapter Twenty - Part 2

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Chapter Twenty 

Part 2                 

by sloanranger

The next night Cassie begged off. Elaine thought she understood; there were evidently some memories concerning her and Paula.

The manager that she had spoken with the night before, met her at the desk with papers to sign: a contract for six months and some kind of waiver releasing the gym of all responsibility, et cetera.

When she finally changed and got into the pool area, Marie and Paula were at the far left end of the pool. Marie looked up and waved at Elaine to join them. She jumped in on Marie's right; Paula was on Marie's left.

They bounced around for a half hour, to seventies music mostly, with very little time between exercises for conversation. Elaine was polite and not unfriendly when Marie casually introduced them in between sets.

"You guys know each other, right?" Elaine smiled when Paula offered her hand said:

"Well, not formally, Marie." And to Paula, "but we've bumped into each other once or twice. Hi. Paula."

Paula smiled and took her hand. "So you're thinking of taking the classes, too?" 

"It's gone farther than that, I'm afraid." Elaine answered. "They got me for six months."

"Is it expensive?" Paula said.

"Well, it's not what I'd call cheap," Elaine replied conversationally.

(To be continued).

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