Chapter Four - Part 1

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Chapter Four   

Part 1         

by sloanranger

Friday night, at 7:15, the Mays stood on the doorstep at the house of Elaine's mother and rang the doorbell. Steve turned to his wife: "I got this," he said, quickly thrusting the bag containing the wine into his wife's hands.  

When his mother-in-law came to the door he rushed her. "Peggy," he said, grabbing his mother-in-law in a big hug and swinging her around, giving her almost no opportunity to complain about their fifteen-minute lateness.

"Put me down!" Peggy said.

"What delectable dish are you preparing for us tonight," Steve said. "It smells incredible." He wasn't lying, the aroma in the hall was heavenly – a Heaven distinctly on the Italian side.

"Come on - what are we eating?" Steve grinned, bussing his mother-in-law's cheek.

"Eggplant, you idiot," she answered, shooing him away. "Though much you appreciate it; where have you two been?"

"Mea culpa, Peg," Steve took the blame. "My office has a big account and my boss has been keeping us late every night for weeks."

"Remember I mentioned it, Mom?" Elaine said.

"So you did. All right, then, I'll feed you. But you know how I feel:  "No one..." Steve and Elaine joined in...  "eats if they're late for dinner," finishing Peggy's sentence in unison.

"Well, you make fun if you like, but it tastes better if it's served on time and you... "have to respect the food," they chorused, again not letting her finish her sentence.

"Oh, you, two."  She snapped her tea towel and went back to the kitchen.

"I'll go open the wine," Elaine said. Kissing Steve's cheek, she whispered: "Thanks."

In the kitchen she poured three glasses of a red Pinot. Elaine quickly handed a glass to her Mother and when Peggy turned around, she just as quickly drank down half a glass herself. Better.

"Can I do anything, Mom?"

"Make a green salad?" Peggy turned, smiled and handed her daughter a napkin. "You have something red on your chin, Sweety."

In her entire life, she'd never been able to hide anything from her mother. Grumbling, Elaine found romaine, green onions, parsley and green bell peppers in the refrigerator. This will be really green, she thought.

"Did you make dressing, 'cause it looks like you're out of bottled. Oil and vinegar, okay?"

"I didn't have time; put a little Braggs in some mayonnaise. Dinner's ready, and I'm hungry."

"Vinager in Mayo? Are you sure, Mom?"

"It's pretty good; you'll like it."

And after they were at the table and eating, she found that her Mom was right, as usual.

"This dressing is good," Elaine said.

"Uh, huh. You can put spices in it or capers - other things, but it's pretty good just like it is. And it's quick."

"The eggplant is delicious too. Hard to make, Peg?" Steve said.

"Thank you, and no," Peggy said.

Elaine knew how it was cooked but Peggy explained for her son-in-law. 

"Not difficult, just a little time. I'll write it down if you want, Steve." Peggy knew her son-in-law was a decent cook and liked to try his hand at new things once-in-awhile.

"Thanks, Peg. I'd like that."

(To be continued).

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