Chapter Seven - Part 2

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Chapter Seven                           

by sloanranger

Part 2


"It must have been awful for her and the kids."

"Well, the twins are still toddlers. They're too young to know much of anything yet, thank goodness."

"Small mercies," Cassie said.


"Tom and I saw her at the club yesterday. She looked fine, great even."

"I think she looks better than she feels."


"Yeah, she's been seeing a therapist for depression, the same one she saw after David died."

"David?" Cassie feigned ignorance.

"Her second husband."

"Oh, we didn't know him." She paused for a moment.  "A therapist certainly seems understandable. How did he die?"

"You know, I really don't know. He was in for something that was supposed to be minor and the next thing I heard was that he was dead."

"There must have been a cause of death," Cassie said.

"I think the doctor or the hospital made some kind of mistake and they hushed it up."

"It happens," Cassie agreed.

"That's right, I almost forgot, " Maria said.  "You're a nurse aren't you?"

"Yes. Twelve years, now."

"Three dead husbands, can you imagine?  I'd fall apart if anything happened to my Ted."

"I know what you mean. Wait - did you say three, Marie?"

(To be continued).

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