Chapter Twenty Five - Part 1

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Chapter Twenty Five               

by sloanranger

Part 1

Two weeks and 2 days after the pool incident and Cass's admittance to the hospital, Elaine was still unsettled and unsatisfied. No matter how often she pushed everything to the back of her mind something was nagging at her.

Cooking was therapy for her, so when Steve got home that night, Elaine had a nice dinner waiting. She'd made Swiss steak, sliced baked apples, garlic mashed potatoes, steamed carrots and asparagus, and homemade biscuits.

"Hmmm," he said. "What smells so good?"

"Dinner," she said. "Probably the apples."

"Did you make the biscuits?"

Elaine was rather proud of her biscuits; they contained four kinds of flour but were not hard to make at all and they were delicious, so tender they melted in your mouth.  Moreover, you felt like you were eating real food, which you were. Steve followed his nose into the kitchen.

 "Swiss steak," he said, "and I can smell the apples."

 "Just coming out," she answered, taking them from the oven.

Steve knew his wife cooked labor-intensive meals when something was bothering her. Later, after dinner in the living room he posed the question during post-priandal coffee.

"What's up, Babe?"

 "Cassie, Steve. Something's not right."

(To be continued).

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