Unexpected Parents(Part One)

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A/n: Y/n and Mattheo have been dating for two years, They are now in their seventh year. But something goes wrong when Y/n finds out she's pregnant and is afraid of how Mattheo will take it. So, being afraid of the outcome, she keeps her distance from Mattheo. Until he catches her. And there is no voldemort in this oneshot universe so their Hogwarts years are normal.

Warnings: Teenage Pregnancy, light swearing


I just looked at the muggle test. It said positive. I am so screwed. Tears came to my eyes as a knock sounded on the door. One of my best friends knocked.

"Yes?" I asked as I tried my best not to let my current state sound evident in my voice.

"Are you alright, Y/n? You've been in there quite a while and you don't sound good?" Mia asked.

I took a deep breath and responded, "Yeah, I'm fine." I know they're not gonna believe that. Pansy and Mia know me too well to believe that.

"THAT'S IT! ENOUGH OF THIS!" I heard Pansy yell before the door flew open to reveal the two slytherin girls who were my best friends and roommates. I was crouched in a corner with the test results covered by my hand. They both came and sat by me. I couldn't help it, the tears fell on their own. Mia pulled me into a hug and Pansy rubbed my back up and down to try and calm me down.

"Was it positive?" Mia asked, knowing that I took it. I nodded. Pansy took the test from my hands and looked at it. I sat back against the wall, drying my tears away so I could talk.

"Isn't this good news? I thought you and Mattheo are great?" Pansy asked.

"We are. But he's never mentioned anything like this before. And what if he wants to travel the world when we graduate. Kind of hard to do that and take care of a child at the same time. I just don't know how he'll react or how he'll take it. Or if he'll break up with me. I don't know. I can't take that risk. I have to keep my distance from him." I say as I look down.

"For the next nine months?" Pansy asked in a blunt tone. I looked at her then at Mia.

"Pansy, take it easy. She just found out she's pregnant. Give her a break." Mia said. She looked at me and continued. "Let's confirm it with Madam Pomfrey. We won't know until she confirms it." She finishes. I nod and the girls take me to the hospital wing.

When we get there, the girls explain and Madam Pomfrey does a few tests only to confirm that I am, in fact, pregnant. She said that I am about three and a half months along.

Now it's time to avoid Mattheo until absolutely necessary.

"Are you really gonna avoid him?" Pansy asked me when we got back to the dorm.

"How can I tell him? If I tell him and he's happy, great, that'd be wonderful. But if I tell him and he breaks up with me, then I am either stuck being a seventeen year old mother, or I live with the guilt of getting rid of my own child. I just don't wanna think about this. I need sleep. Thank Merlin it's Saturday." I say as I crawl into bed and fall asleep.


It has been a week and I have been able to avoid Mattheo. Luckily, Pansy and Mia have been a huge help. Some days, I skip class because the morning sickness is too bad and the professors understand, considering Madam Pomfrey had to tell Professor Dumbledore so he warned the other professors as well. I don't mind, they help me a lot which I appreciate. But Mattheo has been extra persistent. I'm afraid to tell him.

But now I was on my way back to the dorm from the library. As I was walking down the hall, I was suddenly pulled into an empty classroom. The door locked and I saw my boyfriend standing in front of me with a concerned, hurt, and confused face.

"Baby, Y/n. Please, talk to me. Pansy and Mia give me these simple excuses. I haven't seen you in a week. I haven't hugged you, haven't kissed you, haven't cuddled you, haven't gotten to spoil you, haven't gotten to treat you like the princess you are. So, PLEASE, TALK TO ME!" He said with a slightly raised voice. I leaned against the wall.

"I have to tell you something. But I'm afraid that you'll leave me." I admitted as a tear escaped my eye. He came closer, took my hands and looked directly into my eyes.

"I would never leave you. Just talk to me, darling, please. I love you. So just tell me." he says to me.

"I'm pregnant" I whisper hoping he had heard me. Silence fell between us. I feared the worst until I heard him speak up.

"You're pregnant?" he asked. I nodded. "This is WONDERFUL! WHY DIDN"T YOU TELL ME SOONER?!" he asks loudly and I look up only to see a huge smile on his face. I was shocked to say the least.

"I-I was afraid that you would get mad or worse, leave me because of it." I say, my voice getting quieter with each word and getting shaky. I felt his arms wrap around me and I melted into him, letting my tears fall.

"I will never leave you, darling. I will always be here for you. Don't ever feel the need to keep secrets from me." He says, holding me tighter with every word. He pulls away and puts a hand on my stomach. He takes my hand and places it by his. Just then I feel something move. Me and Theo look at each other and we both smile. I chuckle and so does he. "That's our child. And you are gonna be a great mother." He tells me.

I lean forward and kiss his lips. He returns it and pulls me into his lap. After a while of us making out, he brings me back to his private dorm and cuddles with me until evening. Then we go to sleep in each other's arms.

Part Two is coming soon.

A/n: Hope the first part was good. And I hope you like what I'm writing. Thanks.

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